maman i am so sorry for all your troubles. and also seeking the good news (also family health - practically everyone in my family...).

we need to remeet. and drink for wonkette at a wonkette drink thingee.

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BTW, she was being sarcastic.

Oh, and I served from 69-72. Non-combat.

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By 2004, quite a lot of the country had figured out that Iraq didn't have much to do with terrorism. Remember, Bush was barely re-elected, thanks to *cough*Ohio fraud*cough*.

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In Massachusetts?

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Didn't Tierney have some kinda scandal thing?

EDIT: I could look it up, but so could you :>)

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I hate to correct you, but according to my Derp->English dictionary, it is: INPEACH! not IMPEACH!

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Scandal was from 2010 though, and Tierney still managed to survive the wave. Plus the Globe coverage of this result said Moulton didn't use it in the campaign. Last time a MA Rep ran for re-election and lost was '96 (ironically Tierney was one of two challengers to win that year), and the last time an incumbent House member lost a primary in the commonwealth was '92 so Moulton's win is quite surprising.

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turned up and actually served his tour/s of duty, check didn't drunk grope/rape fellow service men/women, check didn't torture or murder civilians, check didn't shoot his pals in the face and make them apologize for inconveniencing him, check obviously NOT a hero

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Dem according to the <i>Globe</i> report.

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Prosthetic limb or GTFO!

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I'll probably get myself in trouble, but I'd consider him a hero if he declared himself a conscientious objector and refused to fight. Obeying orders in an illegal war of aggression seems like an evasion of moral responsibility to me.

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Meanwhile, Republicans keep fucking that chickenhawk.

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Sure, he sounds heroic, but can he shit his pants for two weeks and go without a shower for a month while cranked up on speed? Where's Ted's medal?

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Well, he is at least running <em>against</em> a gay person. Which is why the <a href="http:\/\/www.outsidethebeltway.com\/social-conservatives-campaign-against-republicans-who-endorsed-same-sex-marriage\/" target="_blank">hate brigade is campaigning against their party's candidate</a>.

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Wonder how many people make Robinson's life easy by claiming to have been awarded a gold star...

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Don't suppose anyone followed that primary? How'd he unseat Tierney, the entrenched incumbent?

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