Not a problem. They don't want to govern. Just rule.

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Um.. no I won't ask.

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No, I have the other balled up into a fist. 'Cause I ain't playing defense.

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"...at $80 per pill. If you can't afford that, then maybe you ought to reevaluate whether you should be such a SLUT!"

<i>- The preceding message was paid for by the Cory Gardner for Senate Committee.</i>

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♫ <i>H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E,  Find out what it means to me.</i>  <i>H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E,  You'll see what a big one I will be.</i> ♫

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<i>Angelina Jolie, DSL</i>

Double Secret Lesbian? Dope Sexy Labia? Daring Spy Lara? Delightfully Spicy Lover? Dangerously Seductive Lolita? Darkly Stunning Lioness? ???

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Bet he's also for raising the minimum wage. And increasing the earned income tax credit. And cracking down on corporate off-shoring tax cheats. And big banks. And cutting the Pentagon budget.


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Yep, and if they can't afford it the ladies can just go to the PP down the block (which Gardner would gladly padlock shut if he had his druthers about it).

I get that his audience is supposed to be people who barely have a pulse let alone thoughts, but does he really think they're this dumb?

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You know what really means "more profits for drug companies"? Selling contraceptives OTC, at retail, rather than at formulary prices negotiated with insurers.

Another "all lies, all the time" Republican. Color me surprised.

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Stupid feminists, why are you judging him by his actions instead of by the sweet werds he is mansplaining to you?

Also too, why the fuck should someone have to shell out their hard earned cash to buy medication OTC that is already paid for via their insurance premium?

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When a Republican burbles about "more rights, more freedom, and more control for you", keep a hand on your wallet. And the other on your private parts.

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I think you're trying to tell us something here. Give me a minute and I'll sort it out.

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Fortunately, the body politic has a way to shut that down.

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<i>I believe the pill ought to be available over the counter, round the clock, without a prescription. Cheaper and easier for you.</i>

And if elected, surely he'll repeat this word-for-word in front of the full Senate, CPAC, Bob Jones U, Planned Parenthood, etc.

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He's so more rightsy, more freedomy, and more controlly, he doesn't even care <i>which</i> pill you use to keep your slutty slut legs shut!

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