Tell me about it. I've chosen a profession with high job satisfaction and overall happiness, whose members retire very late, because I know I'll die in the traces.

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we are certain conservatives across Real America are booking their flights to Washington DC this very second, to deliver blowjobs and flowers to the president, for rescuing America’s disastrous unemployment from the som’Bush who tanked America’s economy in the first place

I'm thinkin' they'll be breaking out the bottles of this for the afterglow.

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They'll blame labor force participation, even though month to month it has been steady.

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This is Magic Fingers Automatic Massage of graphs.

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None of these dimbulbs understand that workforce participation has been dropping because the babby boomers are retiring.

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They certainly don't feel right, and if I don't trust my feels, I know something's very Kenyan in the White House. Also, BENGHAZI!!!!!!, too.

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We all know he's tripled the debt also too, with his building of the FEMA camps, Obamaphone programs, and "Lobster Tails for Welfare Queens" program.

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Work force participation is at a low point because all the baby boomers are retiring.

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Donna Rose = loafing moocher who refuses to get a job!

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My mother once said to me "Clinton only had a successful presidency because it took years for Reagan's policies to take effect. She also reasoned that Bush's economy tanked because of Clinton's policies." I said "if that's true wouldn't it make sense for you to start voting for Democrats every other election cycle?" Republicans will jump through hoops to try to retain their worldview. I asked her the other day what she thought Jeb was going to "fix" because she WILL vote for him or any of the other dipshits who get nominated. She refused to answer the question. It KILLS her that things are going so well under Obama.

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More like, being forced out. They were the demographic group hit hardest by the recession.

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I just take those two graphs and flip them upside down. If I didn't, I'd be able to sleep at night.

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Coming up on Fox News: Why work is bad for you -- Is Obama destroying leisure?

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Which one? Number Eleven?

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The is very ample evidence of the use of graffiti in antiquity, particularly during the Roman Empire era, and not just in Pompeii. Graffiti has been with us since the invention of writing. Porn came into being almost immediately after the advent of figurative art. In fact, throughout human history whenever any new communication technology was invented one of the very first uses of it was to produce porn. This was true with the development of storytelling, sculpture and painting/graphical art, the inventions of metallurgy, paper and much later the the printing press, the developments of theater, photography, audio recording, electrical, electronic and wireless communication, cinematography, mass communication, videography, etc. Producing porn may not have been the impetus for these inventions (as some have argued) but as soon as each new technology was created it was immediately put to use to produce sacred material, business and economic communication and porn. In every human culture throughout history the three main things that members of our species have wanted to communicate to each other have always centered on life&death/existence/the unknown, food/money/wealth and most especially, sex. In our minds these three things are inextricably linked. Freud may have been wrong about a lot of things but he got that one right; sex is key. It is probably encoded in our DNA and came about during our evolution as a social species.

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All the good news is because Bush's programs are finally having an effect. Besides, think how much better things would've been if Romney were president.

[anyone have some Listerine? I threw up in my mouth a little]

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