24 Kids! That mama goat must be exhausted. See Mr. Trump? This is what we mean by "childcare." Put this video on repeat and plug it into his head.

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Ta, Marcie. All this is true, and baby goats are beautiful. Harris-Walz 2024 and a Democratic Senate and House, and Democrats elected to City Councils, state Assemblies and Senates, Mayors, Governors, AOT, K. We understand the assignment.

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God, I love baby goats!

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Best goats ever.

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I honestly do not remember bag phones in the car

I hope I can remember Clarence Thomas's impeachment



Also I think those sunflower shots are nicer than mine

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"it is healthy to pause, take a deep breath, and allow oneself to acknowledge the good things, too."


"Gin and Tacos" is a page that I have mixed feelings about; however, I will say that I think he nailed it here:

"Remember the day Trump was found guilty? Feels like it happened a year ago right?

It was 45 days ago. Barely six weeks.

The election is in 113 days. You do you, but

we're going to live a decade in the next 4 months so maybe stop assuming every Big thing that happens is the definitive one.

I understand the impulse - more or less a trauma response - to react to everything by rending your garments and screaming "It's over, it's all over, everyone's gonna vote for Trump now, no matter what happens it must benefit Trump!" but in addition to being bad for your health and sense of wellbeing it also doesn't make any sense. So what I'm saying is, you don't have to do that."

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lordy! i haven't read gin and tacos in decades. gotta go check it out!

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"Kamala Harris raising loads of money and the such"


I feel like this should be spoken a la Fat Tony.


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What happens to all of the male goats?

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Great that you pointed out that polls are conducted on landline and cell phones. I do not know anyone that has a landline phone, and I'm 68 years old. I also don't know many people that answer Unknown Number on their cell phones. Who are these pollsters actually talking to? Not to be too rude, but it seems like very old people and not very smart people. Just a thought.

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Even Governor Walz didn't answer the first time MVP called him, because he didn't recognize the number πŸ˜„

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This is a great point. I have 4 voting age kids, and none of them will answer a call from someone not in their contacts, and all of them will be voting for Democrats.

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For maximum cuteness, those goats need sweaters. They even smile.

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Sep 5Edited

I saw my very first Trump Truck today, unfortunately. I live 30 miles from the city of Winder, in Athens, GA. I don't think this is a coincidence. What a grade A jerk.

It was, of course, a Too Big To Be Allowed truck. Too bad the asshole owner didn't have the cajones to put a proper vinyl wrap on it and instead had to shit all over Atlanta Highway with full sized flags.

At least it wasn't rolling coal, I guess.

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Ignorant and proud of it!

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I read electoral-vote.com every morning (right before Wonkette’s Tabs!), and while the national polling has been consistently for Harris, anywhere from 1-7%, we can’t forget that, that doesn’t matter.

The swing state polls have been troublingly (is that a word?) swingy. There’s been zero consistency. Arizona is +5% Trump (SSRS). Georgia +1% Harris - one would think these two numbers would be flipped. MI +5% Harris; NV +1% Harris; PA tied; WI +6% Harris (all SSRS). That’s today. Tomorrow it’ll have changed. Basically, what I’m getting at… I don’t know. We’re deadlocked, which is so depressing. Half of the country doesn’t believe in democracy.

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NO, we are not deadlocked. NO, it is not half the country. NO, the 'swing states' are not that swingy.

Stop believing our fucked whore fascist Nazi billionaire OWNED AND OPERATED MEDIA!

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I don't think we are really deadlocked.

I think that Harris will win in a landslide, but we won't find out if this holds up until the election.

In any case, the narrative of a deadlock is a great GOTV vehicle.

A poll of 1000 people or the MSM tells me nothing.

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Millennials no longer answer the phone, cell phone or otherwise, if the number isn't whitelisted. I presume GenZ is pretty similar. We got tired of someone trying to call us about our Car's Extended Warranty.

They can do their damndest to account for that statistically, but the phone poll is only going to become more and more generationally irrelevant. You're much more likely to get a random sampling of humanity if you stake out a variety of grocery store checkouts in a variety of cities during a variety of times of day during a variety of different days of the week. And even then you'll miss the rich/disabled folks who called in their order.

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Well I'm an old, without a landlines, don't p.u. unknown numbers.

I did respond to one phone call (ID said Political Poll, or some such ), but bailed early on when it became clear it was a nasty push poll.

I just responded to a very simple text solicited poll. Being in "difficult to poll" Nevada, if I get asked by a legitimate poll I'll repond.

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OMG, baby goats are cute!

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There's also Movie Nights on Saturday. Keeping y'all sane was one of the reasons it was created.

2 hours of scheduled chilling out every week.

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>>Look at the pretty sunflowers. Take a deep breath. Ahhhh. Yes. Soothing.<<

Brought to you courtesy of dead Russian soldiers who f*#Ked around and found out. You're welcome.

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