Which is quite hilarious when you think about it. A little trick he was using to dodge taxes puts him on the hook for voter fraud. This makes him the third manager of the Cheetoh Benito Campaignito to have a legal or ethical problem(or both) that directly relates to their job. They love to act like they are smart, and Trump says he will hire the best people, but he keeps hiring villains from Bugs Bunny. Every one is as incompetent as they are devoid of compassion.

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How would his case be tried? And where in Florida? Remember the guy who shot a teenager and claimed a law that would have actually applied against him if the teenager wasn't black? The law itself may not have leeway, but the law makers and enforcers can find you some if they agree with what you did.

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I was in Toronto.

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It's not Hillary's fault, it's Obama's fault. It won't be Hillary's fault until after she is elected.

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IOKIYAR still applies, unfortunately.

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I've got a friend who invents drinks. Without the angostura, that's his Royal Navy - it started as one of the basic 2:1:1 variants; I don't remember how he tweaked it.

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Dok got it. I just wasn't up to the task. I am low energy today.

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Also, in other voting news, an investigative piece in RS reveals anti-voter-fraud program designed by one of Trump's advisers (Kansas Sec. of State and dirtbag Kris Kobach) may deny tens of thousands their right to vote in November. That program is now used by 24 states. http://www.rollingstone.com...

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Does taking a pen from the post office count?

/Marge Simpson

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You guys. He's got Kobach AND Brownback.

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Anyone want to bet on who will leave the campaign first...Bannon or Kellyann?

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A Pacific Northwest Drinkey Thing!Do you live near Portland, Oregon? Can you walk, bike, bus, drive, teleport or cash in your SkyMiles to get to Portland?

Meet up for a traditional Wonkette Drinkey Thing on Wednesday Sept. 7th at Peninsula Park, 2pmish. Bring your own eats and drinks, and if you want, something to share. We have reserved a picnic spot with a grill, and beer and wine are permitted (no smoking though). Come meet your fellow Wonketeers in one of Portland's wonderful parks (google it!). And you don't even have to commit voter fraud to come!

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"......where a person mentally intends to make his or her permanent residence”. When you mentally plan, can you make someone else mentally pay the rent? I want to mentally have ice cream with a ton of syrup and not gain weight. Please mentally deposit an extra large paycheck, please!!!!

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Pst - it's not about voting, it's about taxes. These people don't care about democracy, they just want the money. Their shtick about democracy is all projection and hypocrisy.

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Now that I can believe.

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