Straight from the wing nut "factsheet". Nice job.

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Hi Andrew, how are you feeling today?

I decided to wait about a month to reply to your rambling thought - not because I couldn't think of a reply or because I needed to look up a few words on the interwebs, but I assumed that since it took you a whole month to formulate your reply to my original comment in the first place, that it possibly meant that you needed the extra time to gather your thoughts into what was clearly a statement that would have changed the outcome of the election by changing the minds of everyone the world over.

It is a damn shame that as soon as you started writing you suffered an attack of Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome, and instead of stopping you proceeded with your thought process and kept writing while sneezing uncontrollably for 30-odd minutes. Its okay, it happens to good people too...

So, I waited a month because I figured you would have needed the rest. Are you good now? Head feel better? Good, I'm going to take 3 seconds now to formulate my response to you...

"Um, nu-uh, I'm not stoopid, you are!"

- Head

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Bladder babies?

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"His comments show that he [Trump]'s got no understanding of how intelligence works."That way works, also, too.

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Whenever I see The Orange One on the TV, it occasions some spontaneous body language from me. My right hand clenches into a fist, right arm jerks forward and middle finger extends. Every time! Same thing whenever a Trumpsplainer appears. It's become a reflex action. I also speak in pottytongue, because obviously I'm a Democrat.

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In my most considered opinion, the words 'intelligence' and 'Trump' should never, ever be on the same page much less in the same sentence.

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When will this Donald Trump / Jumanji political nightmare end?

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Ain't that the fuckin' truth?Between the "horse race" aspect and the "we have to be 'evenhanded'" horseshit, they put a guy who 30 years ago would have been laughed out of the race as a racist loon waaaay too close to becoming the next POTUS. And I weep thinking what the next election will be like, because it's not like the media learned any lessons this time around.

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If I was a senior CIA intelligence officer I would be so tempted to just make up some absolute bullshit (think Area 51, lizard people) and watch Trump's head explode because he can't tell anyone without being arrested for treason. That would be magical.

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Yeah, I learned the fine art of interior painting in Air Training Command...

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I’m pretty good with the body language. I could tell they were not happy.Yeah...they weren't happy having to tell a dumbass big mouth and clown like YOU Donald Trump any Intelligence information.

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Christ on a cracker, how many days until we elect Hillary Clinton president? SIXTY DAYS. No shit. This Trump guy is too much. I can't wait 'til a woman beats his ass fair and square in a national election.

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My body language is nothing but middle fingers!

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Don't forget to work 'Benghazi' and 'Crooked Hillary' into there.

Did I say work? I meant choreograph.

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Range Rovers suck!

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