So, given the yoooooge number of liens and lawsuits his businesses have generated, you're happier to think that he is too stupid to find or do business with honest contractors than to acknowledge that he's just a cheap chiseler who bullies the little guy and cheats small businesses out of every dime he can?


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“I have not heard from anyone. My client is a small-time operator so he does not have deep pockets,” Sissman said.

Oh man! Statements like that are like chum in the water for Donald and Ivanka Shark.

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Wow. Why didn't he mention that in his original post? I had no idea Andy and I had so much in common.

Oh, and, Mr. Chow. Fuck off six ways to Sunday (where you're not even worth a mention in DSFB).

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I bet Meryl Streep pays her bills.

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Thanks to Cheeto Hitler's project management, the price of that wall that the Mexicans were going to pay for but now is coming out of my tax dollar increased by 300%. I can assure Wonketters that the major engineering and construction companies are not going to take any financial risk with this gold-platted shit gobblin. And they will stay in his fancy post office hotel and back change 150% of the invoice.

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As a former contractor who has been in that position (not with Trump though-left coast liberal here) I was informed that it was illegal to enter the property to remove our work. Once installed it is part of the premises, paid for or not.Also-not in business any more because of getting stiffed a few too many times then having the bank call the line of credit. Thanks bank! But we closed down on our schedule and timing, paid all of our suppliers, employees and subcontractors because that is what decent people do.

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both sides do it waaaaaaaaah!

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Stupid Magnolia,Trump supporter,Head's all empty and He don't care...

Apologies to all Dead fans in all time\space continuums.

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My friends dad's business was in New Hampshire, if a law like that existed in that State I can all but guarantee that it wouldn't be enforced.

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"Sucks to be you, contractors, but you knew who you were doing business with, didn’t you?"

You would think that by now every contractor in the greater New York area would have a prominently posted photo of Trump, with the caption "Do Not Do Business With This Man".

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I am getting a sinking feeling that we, the taxpayers, will be paying the Russian Puppet's bills.

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I don't think the OP is exactly white carpet.

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To be fair, that nice Mr. Putin has always found The Donald to follow through on his contractual obligations.

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And bragging about his success with cat calling.

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Approved Trump attendee-wear:


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Since he actually bragged in print about stiffing contractors in his book "The Art of the Deal," yeah, he deliberately stiffs contractors.

The second side of the story is that he bragged about grabbing women's pussies.

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