though the rape charges are tricky, i think they'd be easier to prove than his status as human being.

unless you take the view that humans are horrible (easier to prove than the reverse). In that case he's textbook human.

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Well, gee, I mean, Barry O didn't say to Assange pretty please with sugar on it, and he didn't even say, Simon says that Chelsea gets out.

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No, a plant by the meat lobby just means Donnie will insist on a Brazilian first.

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Nice argument. A very Trumpian spin.

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Teehee....and I am pretty JV. There are people here who are true masters.

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Pretty sure the Russians straight done stole his password.Julie's just pacing around demanding churros.

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We need to pay Ecuador many lacs of rupees to creep up on Assange, wrap him up in brown paper, and deliver him to the gate of the Swedish Embassy.Postage due.

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We haven't tried to have him extradited at this point. Right now he's hiding from Sweden.

My guess is that if he was extradited to the US and charged, he would probably not be found guilty of anything because of the various protections for the press.

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Last time I looked "Ross" had about 180 posts over 3 months trolling LW American sites. Any relationship between this and the alt-Right/Russian involvement in the election is entirely co-incidental - of course ;-|

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Why Ecuador doesn't boot his sorry arse out, I simply don't understand. He doesn't deserve sanctuary and I'm betting they are very sorry they offered it to him.

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Julian made an offer. Obama accepted the offer before it was withdrawn and fully performed. That makes it a contract. Now Julian is welching like a common Trump. Which makes Julian a common trump.

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There are always a few assholes in every group. Sounds like you found some!

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Dude, what you're concern-trolling over is not even a thing. He's not hiding from us, he's hiding from Sweden, because he is a rapist. And I'm enjoying his pathetic whining and mocking him, because he's a rapist and a douchebag. Yeah, I think he helped to disrupt our election, and that in doing so, he put people's lives in jeopardy and did incalculable damage to our foreign relations. But still, no one has charged him over that, so your point is moot.

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the horrible part is that everyone who's not vegan will use these assholes as an excuse to hate vegans even though we all know that reducing consumption of animal products is healthy and best for the planet. i'm not vegan or even vegetarian, but i never cook meat and since i eat 99% of my meals at home that means I almost never eat meat. I am certainly an environmentalist and so it drives me crazy when people I agree with alienate others by being assholes.

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The Incredible Shrinking Man?

Because Julian Assange just keeps getting smaller and smaller.https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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when all is said and done - there's a lot more said than done -

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