And the rest of us end up subsidizing those corporations not paying a living wage through Medicaid, SNAP, and other types of government assistance—all while not paying their fair into those programs in the first place.

I'm all for a strong social safety net and government being there when people need it, but I'd much prefer we forced corporations to pay a living wage in addition to paying their fair share of taxes.

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Eliminate the Social Security cap, too. At the very least, raise it. Ridiculous that billionaires only pay into SS on the first $137,700 of their income.

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I like it.

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Oh! I guess I got carried away, but read a research paper?

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Seem I might have dropped my last comment, nothing much lost.Though I may have been OT on my original rant was nevertheless true.

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I suggest that you read the research paper cited. This is about clamping down on illegal tax evasion.

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I like to look at it this way. If we were all just hunter gatherers and I created some way of capturing 90 percent of the food for the village how would I live with myself watching people starve while I sit on 90 times what I could ever actually eat. Even if it wasn't food that could ever go bad somehow. This is why rich people don't like hearing about or seeing poor people starving. Deep down it's going to get at you. Give a little. You'll be happier. I guarantee it.

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Joan of Arc's of course.

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Any sensible businessman intent on eliminating redundancies would combine the Virginias and Carolinas as well.

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Look south. Mexico's commie prez, AMLO, has not raised taxes, but is spending more (social spending mind you) thru the simple expedient of actually collecting taxes from the super-rich and corporations. One of the most obscure bureacrats in the Mexico government, the Federal Auditor, is a national hero.

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Your post reminded me of this gem...


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Oh? You mean like Jim Watkins aka 'Q' drops dude, owner of 8chan, and purveyor of Lolita porn.

That pig farmer?

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and the SEC - THe US Securities and Exchange Commissionis supposed to regulate and investigate Wall Street. One little problem ....

All their major crackdowns in the last decade have come from insider whistle-blowers. Not a good sign ....

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Million dollar lobbyists, million dollar congressmen, million dollar tax attorneys.They probably spend more on getting out of paying taxes than they would by just paying them!

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I was gonna say France, but what do I know?

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