in front of a Norman Rockwell-style painting depicting Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton and Trump playing poker,

good grief. we all knew what a fucking classless pig he is/was...

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Better when depicted by Poker playing dogs.

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Inquiring minds want to know if it was painted by America's Greatest Artist, John McNaughton.

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How does it compare to Harlan Crow's masterpiece tho?

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Jesus. Fucking. Christ. That painting has to be the most cringeworthy thing I have ever had described to me. How does anyone walk into that room for the first time, unprepared, and retain their composure?

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Was the painting on velvet?

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Probably not, but I can't believe tfg hasn't found a way to sell a Paint-By-Numbers set of it on black velvet to his cult members.

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Extra credit for the Sophia references! Now you've gotta work in St Olaf.

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Talk about a CYA for Covoran. Can this also be considered rolling over PAB or being a rat as he would say? I certainly hope so. Lawyers are soft squishy creatures that don’t so so well in a federal penitentiary.

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He was forced to break attorney-client privilege because Trump lied to him. Jack Smith (and anyone who has the transcripts now) wouldn’t have them if not for them being able to prove Trump lied to him; he wasn’t giving them up willingly.

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The painting depicts Trump down to his last check- obvs that group would eat him as a snack

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Hey, two of them are dead, so it's gonna be hard for them to win even against tfg. Bill's gonna take him for every penny he brought to the game, though. I've often thought that even a mediocre poker player like myself could kick his ass in a game, because the man is a walking bag of "tells".

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Three of the biggest clowns in the Juntamobile will face the music together in October: Cheseboro, Powell and Eastman. The other 16 stand aside as on lookers while their lives are circling the drain and their ultimate fate depends on the Clowncar 3 and their lawyers. Getting good.

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So will Willis succeed in getting all 19 there in October? I know tfg wants to sever.

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Everyone's saying this is good for Trump. He gets the whole case laid out so he can plan his strategy.

What's his strategy going to be when every single one of them stands up and yells, "He made me do it! I didn't want to, but he made me!"

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Trump: "indicted as an innocent man!"

The law: "innocent until proven guilty. So give it time."

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That Norman Rockwell-style painting sounds like one by that pathetic painter fuck who is always painting trump as his God and porn idol. I forget that guy's name.

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That would be Jon McNaughton.

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Subject of many wonderful exigeses by our own Dok Zoom.

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Judge Cannon is really going to have to exert herself to skunk a case with this kind of evidence.

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Breaking - Aileen Cannon rules that only the defense in the documents case is allowed to use written or verbal words and the prosecution must present its case using charades. Jonathan Turley states that the decision is clearly constitutional.

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"We find the defendant not gill-cup!"

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Ooh, lemme in, coach. I'm really good at Charades. Tip: It's not a game of words. It's a game of (ironically!) sounds.

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"Turdley". It fits.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

I suspect Mr. Corcoran made this recording to intentionally take notes on an F'ing criminal conspiracy. He foresaw the shit hitting to fan and wanted to be able to show that he TOLD the former guy what to do but he didn't do it. CYA accomplished.

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I'd question the credentials of any lawyer who didn't do this sort of CYA when his client basically said, "Let's hide the shit and lie to them."

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Shoulda called Saul.

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wonder how long it'll be before Trump suggests that Corcoran was "installed" by deep state DOJ spies to try and make him do crimes? he knows no one will care if there is recorded evidence proving him wrong. as he has gotten away with it a billion times at this point.

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But he hasn't gotten away with it a billion times in a criminal court.

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Yeah, he never went to criminal court. I think Jack Smith will prevail.

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Which makes Corcoran smarter than 98% of the other MAGA Chuds out there....

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Can Bill Clinton sue to get his image out of the poker-playing picture?

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"ballistic" appears to be Dumpty's default mode. Especially now that the shit that he, like a giant orange tumblebug, has been piling up for years, is at last being expressed through the ventilating device. O woe is he.

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How bizarre is it that one narcissistic bully can make so many grown men and women professionals so scared of him?

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He can wield an extraordinary power because he recognizes no restraint. Most of us go through life without deliberately provoking others, while Dumpty only feels alive when he is actively dominating someone. In short, psychos are alarming people, especially cult leaders whose slavish devotees are heavily armed and prone to violence.

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Gerald Ford? He's in trump's fantasy?

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Clinton is in Trump's fantasy. That's how thirsty he is.

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I have no idea if trump knows that Clinton is a Dem. It's not as if trump had any sincere political beliefs of his own.

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Bill Clinton, at Hillary's behest, talked Trump into running as a Republican in the first place...because Hillary figured she needed an opponent she could easily beat, unlike that pesky Comminist!(sic.) Bernie Sanders, where she had to pull every dirty trick in the book to maintain her "inevitable" coronation.

Trump is an incompetent dictator wannabe and garbage human being, but he never would've tried for the White House if Hillary hadn't elevated him as her hand-picked jibroni. That's why seeing her crowing in recent interviews fills me with dread, because I know she's going to try again to be La-La-La First Woman President....

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OFFS. Get a life.

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Interesting fantasy life you have there.

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Cool story, bro.

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If Bill Clinton talked to Trump about running for President, then he was just one of a number of voices telling Trump he should run. And as for running as a Republican, he chose that party because he believed it'd be easier for him to win that way. He's dumb about a lot of things, but he's smart about manipulating people and how to find the levers that let him do so, so it's quite plausible he'd pick up on which party was more amenable to exploitation by him. So there were several influences -- who can say which one or ones was the deciding factor?

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I blame Hillary—like I blame Hillary for everything that happened in 2016, from cheating Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic nomination to humiliatingly LOSING to a Reality TeeVee Orangutan.

::$HitleryBots shrieking "RUSSIA!!!!" in Three...Two...::

Bernie would have won, because Bernie also understands Populism. Only difference is, he's not some rich demagogue who's never had a government job in his life....

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Getting more votes isn't cheating.

This is silly.

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You're just embarrassing yourself now.

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Bernie would not have won. His core of true believers is too small. He didn't appeal to women or POC. His one trick was too restrictive.

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Hillary got more votes in the 2016 Democratic primaries than Bernie. Period. End of sentence. These young teens have you pegged.


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Such a $Hillbot you are....

Your corrupt Traitor Qween lost (YES, Her E-Mails!), and now she's trying to sleaze her way back in for another bite at the apple.

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what are you talking about.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

Fuck off, misogynist troll boy.

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"Hillary got more votes in the 2016 Democratic primaries than Bernie." Sorry that you can't handle the truth.

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This is what I love about Trump. Tony Soprano wasn't beneath getting a shovel out and burying something he needed to hide, right? There's no way Trump could ever make himself carry a box of folders into the woods. Like he's too vain to even do the basic shit criminals do to not get caught.

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Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell had that same mentality. He had to have the highest salary in the office, because he was the head guy in the office. The problem was, there were people on staff who, in other agencies, made more than the office holder's mandated-by-law salary because of specialized knowledge or skills. Like the Director of IT.

To offset that, he loaded them down with perks. But, he couldn't just load down those at that level who should be getting paid more, he had to provide the same to the other Directors as well, or they would've thrown shit fits.

So, all these Directors of departments (and often their Assistant Directors) had state-issued cars, parking spaces, cell phones, laptops, and tablets, unlike other state agencies or even previous Secretary of State administrations. All so the Secretary of State could be the highest paid person in the organization.

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Thank you for that telling! Oh man that mentality is EVERYWHERE and it works until they get called out and their shame and cravenness spills out all over everything. With obvious exceptions.

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Trump doesn’t do shit except cheat at golf and run his mouth. He tells other people to fix it no matter what they have to do and no matter what it is. Then he abandons them if it goes bad, or good for that matter.

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I always imagined his trips through the White House involved people following behind cleaning up after him. Just finished a Diet Coke? Set the glass on the first available flat surface. Bored with some incomprehensible document? Just drop it and keep walking. A continuous trail of detritus discarded with the regularity of his stunted attention span for someone else to address.

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I would put $$ on that was exactly like that.

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If only trump were fictional.

Though he does come close.

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If anyone wrote a novel that depicted Trump's presidency, it would have been derided for being too outlandish to believe.

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I'm not sure which genre you could fit all that into and make it work.

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