...this guy must be new to the game, she never actually said that the 2 of you were having the sex! So why the hell are you going to volunteer that information?! The first rule of sexually harassing subordinates is deny, deny and if all else fail <strong>DENY even louder</strong>!!!!

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The only time sleeping with someone at your work wont end disasterously is never. Even if you are already married to them, although that creates an entirely different set of problems.

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He hasn't aged a day since CHiPs.

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BMW: One of the two has to be willing to leave the job when the affair is over. And it helps if both parties are equals at work - the boss underling thing is probably more of a power trip than a sexual adventure.

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So the Dept of Sanitation is preferable to working for this douchie guy? What exactly does that tell you about City Councilman Jose Huizar?

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I work* from home so there's no one to sexually harass except my wife. My witty double entendres get me blank stares which is <i>not</i> the reaction I'm looking for. ___________________________ * write wonket comments all day

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