I think actual castration is a proper punishment for rapists.

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Maybe...but these fuckers will just resort to night sticks and plungers.

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Yeah, the Dicktionary.

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In NYC we solved that problem by having patrolmen walk a beat instead of driving. It works really well. Now cops who want to rape women have to chase them down and corner them in stairwells instead, which is much less comfortable.

Community policing, yo.

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Now, don't go jumping to conclusions. For all you know, the homes of these cops are high-crime areas in need of a more visible and active police presence.

In fact, I'd bet on it.

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Assigned to spend time 24/7 with their angry, soon-to-be-ex wives? Works for me.

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Snark off, it actually has. Foot patrols are one of the reasons NYC policing is more effective and less prone to corruption than it used to be. Also: much larger force than LA or Chicago. Also: no helicopter gunships.

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The Police Commissioner should call Cardinal Mahony for some "spiritual guidance". You know, like, for example, transferring those cops to another precinct. Yes, that'd work!

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and here i thought hollywood had run out of buddy cop movie ideas.

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