I thought fiscal conservatives were tight with the monies. Cravaack spends like Pedio Bear at a Girls Scout cookie sale.

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"I’m going to help my people" is pretty much Republican gospel.

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I like to think that the "v" is silent.

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Disability for sleep apnea? Everybody who's "tired" should sign up for that.

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Seems that a lot of GOPpers were surprised when the polls got un-unskewed on election night.

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"all Republicans" . . . *sigh.* They'll spin it, of course, into "See, Republicans care!"

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and is being ruthlessly hounded by muslin extremists due to campaign finance irregularities.

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Go to work for a Congressman.

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Craaaack has a lot going for it.

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Tommy, I would never ask you about your "fucking" money.

Now, if you wanted to tell a story,....

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Eric Cantor, is that you?

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You sure you don't mean "ex-drunken sailor"? Not judging ... just checking.

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Chip Cravaack (R-<strike>Feckless</strike>Generous)

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How much did he pay his dog walker? Also, BENGHAZIIIIIII!!!!!!

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It will be interesting to see where Cravaack lands.

The FoxPAC?


Christian News Service?

Right wing gasbag on the radio?

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<i>“At the end of the year, I maxed out everybody because I had no idea how long these guys would be out of work,” </i>

Lots of people have no idea how long they'll be out of work. Your party calls them "takers", ex-Congressman.

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