Get a foam rubber mic cover, unless you are bringing your own mic. Mics are germ catchers.My hubs caught a nasty flu after doing karaoke. Be safe.

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Tulsi was their candidate but they couldn't make her happen.

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I have to deprogram my sister (who is easily influenced) every time I talk to her. "No both sides are not the same. Not everyone in politics is evil." etc.

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I pointed that out to another regular here not too long ago, and the other bro. too.I will say he made a really strange comment one day about it being his 10 year anniversary of "Being J.B." which I remember thinking, sounded like bragging about being a troll to me.

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So he got a new trowel?

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Good fashion sense is preventing them from desiring to look like that.

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Yup, more than 90 days to go.

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"'Hillary Clinton was toxic to non-college-educated white working-class voters, particularly men,' said Adrian Hemond, a Michigan-based Democratic strategist. 'They don't have the same attitude with Joe Biden.'"

Tell me again that it wasn't misogyny.

Also too, Adrian, can you maybe rephrase that so that you don't make Clinton responsible for the misogyny aimed at her? Like maybe noticing that it was the misogyny directed at the candidate that was toxic, not the candidate herself?

Jes' sayin'.

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McCain did that in 2008, too. It's a harbinger.

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This country needs Trump and voters are uninformed and ignorant if they support Biden. He is the same genre as Clinton and Obama was a puppet. Kamala Harris is an opportunist who will also sell out Americans, as Gavin Newsom has done in CA. Newsom has destroyed the lives of millions of Californians so that he can control the elections. You can't sing in church, but the bars are open with Karaoke. You can't get a haircut or manicure but you can go to any big box merchant or Costco - proving that it's the deep pocket oligarchs who win, and crush the small businesses. That's Democrat leadership in CA. High taxes, poor schools, give services to illegals and snub citizens.

Biden is a criminal - the entire Burisma scandal shows that. The network news will never tell the truth about Biden.

Trump has accomplished amazing things in 4 years, despite the headwinds and opposition. Yes they tried to destroy his presidency but he has made the USA energy independent and brought manufacturing back to the USA. The Democrat party has been completely taken over by grifters like the Clintons. Add to them the criminal Republicans of the Bush era. The deep state pols have sold the USA out to foreign interests and oligarchs and enslaved the US citizen with the chains of Federal Reserve debt and taxes. That's how the 1% keep you poor.

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I wouldn't assume they aren't working to cook the books with the voting machines or God knows what else. You know they are busily trying to fix it for Trump.

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And don't forget, (cause the military won't), not even asking Putin about Russian bounties on US soldiers, (and calling it "fake news").

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Yeah, but I'm still not sure I'll vote for Biden if he chooses Name A / Name B / Demon Doctor as his running mate!

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Pro tip; Do NOT hit the ground running unless you are sufficiently warmed up, otherwise you just kind of hit the ground.

Michigan is a Blue State, errybody knows that, even Russia realizes they got lucky and that perfect storms aren't repeatable.

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I hear you. This weary Californian is really looking forward to all the crap we have to vote on.

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