This. And if they manage to pull this off, what's next? You know these assholes want to take it as far as they can. IUDs and the morning after pill WILL be next. Followed by most other forms of hormonal birth control. I was always one of the folks saying that the GOP would never actually revoke Roe because then how would they get the rubes to the polls, but now I can see the chain of events better. Now is, in fact, when we hit the panic button.

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They actually think women are idiots who don't know pregnant=fetus, which begs the question of why they want us carrying babies to begin with.

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Pregnancy and childbirth are life threatening. Full stop.

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Same here. In college I went to the student health center in need of the morning after pill, and had to wait over three hours for a doctor who would prescribe it to show up. The one on duty when I arrived wouldn't do it.

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Exactly. If there’s even a vanishingly minuscule chance of a single fertilized egg being lost to the universe because some female refused to accept her divinely appointed role as incubator, then God will be very unhappy . We don’t want to piss God off now do we.

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If a woman miscarries in one of these states I could see the doctor as well as the woman coming under the review by the law.

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How long until they ban hysterectomies?

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and they only care about the girl children until they reach puberty. Then they're just incubators.

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It might wake them up that it is fake.

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Generally speaking once in a great while I 'll disagree with her, (usually on politics) but never on reproductive rights, though, she is a boss on that subject.

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about 15 minutes.

but for fuck's sake, keep your filthy socialist government hands off my OTC cialis™!

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don't reflect the fact that abortion-related deaths [...] fell to under 200 a year by the mid-1960s thanks to the development of antibiotics and other medical advances.

Anti-vaxers have similar arguments about the benignity of measles and the like.(that's not a compliment from my part)

Yeah, sure. Bacteria resistance to antibiotics is on the rise, hospitals are overloaded (and damn expensive in your corner of the world), medical advances related to gynecology and abortion are going to be closely scrutinized if abortion become illegal because the anti-abortion legislators are not complete morons and want to frighten away any helper, but fine, let's supercharge the system, I'm sure it can stand the extra load.

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Which is why OB-GYNs will choose to go work in another state.

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Someone pointed out that an eleven-year-old in Alabama can't be allowed to watch a cartoon with two animals having a same sex marriage, but can be forced to carry her rapist's child to term. Even a corpse has more rights of bodily autonomy than a woman in these shithole States. I include my own (Ohio) in that description...

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Soooooo...liposuction, but for the uterus. Correct?

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Nope. Last time we did he made Twitler president.

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