Is that really Charlie Wilson's old district? Such a letdown.

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Now that is some world-class convoluted "reasoning".

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Louie also doesn't understand the defense mechanism of projection. It isn't done, as he asserts, as a ploy to distract others from seeing some undesirable trait of yours. Rather, the person does so in order to prevent his own recognition of that trait within himself. And it isn't a deliberate or an intentional strategy, but instead is a completely unconscious process, one that the subject is not even aware that he or she is employing. The process prevents the person from having any awareness that he himself possesses this trait, even though it can sometimes become rather apparent to others who know him. As a result, when he denies it during a confrontation, he isn't lying or being disingenuous; he sincerely believes that what he is saying is the truth.

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Louie units or <i>Louns</i> for short.

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ooooohhhh what a good idea.

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Intellectual fascism? It's got to be something fascist-y and discriminating against the dumb. It can't be allowing business to make their own decisions.

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Don't blame this on psychology, Louie. We've done bad things, sure, but this is just fucking stupid.

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Oh thank goodness y'all wrote this. I had the [mis]fortune of watching this word salad on live teevee the other day. I made notes of some of my picks for best of WTFL:

"She [Ali] is apparently an atheist, at this time." [Louie must have plans to save her.]

"Judeo-Christian nation, values, something, something..."

Louie brags about "hugging his moderate Muslim friends" to the shock of Bachmann setting up the Louie's a lovah not a hater & especially not a fighta even with the moderate Muslims meme.

"Liberals want to make conservatives look like haters and that they are crazy... creeping Sharia even though its true..." [Yep not crazy at alllll.]

"The Islamists and Jihadis are not different." [Wait whut? So you don't actually love your Muslim friends?]

"Something something... Treaty of Tripoli to stop the fighting with the Muslims..." [Louie totally forgets the whole "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen"]

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"We really need to understand what is going on." I think we've identified the problem.

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"<i>Louie Gohmert thinks</i>..." Let me stop you right there, Dok. I think I see the problem.

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According to Prosecutor Gowdy it's not an investigation it's a trial and the witnesses are defendants.

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Every prisoner he sentenced in TX should seriously consider having their sentencing reevaluated by a more competent judge.

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Nah ya see according to the Lou; Brandeis and other universities used to be all about education and stuff but they've been taken over by all the liberals so all the students are stupid indoctrinated "intolerant fascist liberals" AKA the REAL haters.

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They had a super bad weekend what with all the gheys gettin married in Arkansas and the bearded lady winning that European singing contest and then they let the ghey blah dood into the NFL and then they kissed and people were happy about it so naturally baby Jeebus was killed all over again and so they have a major sad.

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