Kirby Delauter.

(Nevar forget)

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This is hardly a surprise. He'd have to not run for his House seat.

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I'm still wondering how "de-funding" Obama's plan to not prosecute and deport ill eagles is supposed to work, given that it's mostly a matter of not doing stuff that was previously being done. How much extra funding does it take to <u>not</u> do something?

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"Failed to garner more than three votes" -- is that a similar thing to getting, oh, I dunno, say, three votes?

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There can't be too many districts in California that would elect this dickhead in the first place... and that was before his craptacular public flameout in his Benghaziiii!!!! <strike>hearings</strike> circus. He knows he hasn't got a chance at statewide office.

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That actually does look a bit like Louie.

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If that's all you're wearing, he <i>should</i> find much amusement.

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I think they have "worst" locked up in advance, but there are enough baggers out there to actually give them a boost in approval ratings.

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Crazy that Steve Scalise is still GOP majority whip when there are so many other racist Republicans qualified for the job.

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If this was a Broadway show, it'd close before Opening Night. Instead we get 2 years of Battlin Boehner and his Gold-Brickin' Racists.

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Louie's defeat is a terrible blow to comedy. #jesuislouie

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Last words: Well, two out of three ain't bad....

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Speaker Gohmert is now Speaker Gofuckyerself.

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To quote Franklin Pierce, "All that's left is to drink & die," which he did.

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