Come on, Congress, try to look at it from our point of view. Every now and then you just have to do something, anything, to break up the monotony. I mean, meal after meal of peanut butter, Velveeta and white bread from the day-old rack gets OLD after awhile!

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Obviously, the vegetable growers don't get enough in subsidies to be able to lobby for more subsidies.

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lol, I don't care

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Stupidest man in Congress. Thank you Texas - hope you're proud of yourselves.

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You do have the junkies who exchange their food stamps for cash, 50 cents on the dollar, so they can get their fix while the kids go hungry. The unregulated capitalists they deal with have plenty of dough (and wads of food stamps), and I would expect them to buy their steaks and lobsters, and load them into their BMWs, just as described.

This is why states prefer handing out debit cards with photo IDs.

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Google "Pony NNNNN", where NNNNN is any noun, and you're almost guaranteed to find it. Depending on your filter settings.

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The Walton brood now have more money than the poorest 100,000,000 Americans combined, and it keeps piling up (at low tax rates, for Jesus and St. Ron). Yet the teabaggers wonder where the money went.

I keep wondering what happens when they wise up. The Koch brothers continue to lead them around by the nose while laughing all the way to the bank, but it can't go on much longer. When Wal-Mart's red state stores discontinue pitchforks and torches, you'll know they're getting worried.

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"We'll lower your monthly payments, but we won't credit one dime toward what you owe. And everything you've paid us up to now? We keep that. And we own the house. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?"

Even the Gottis and Gambinos would be in awe.

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How to explain Gohmert's appearance? Does that come from eating human children?

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Probably his nabors, also, too.

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You'd think he would have an intern who could snope things for him. Of course, I do it myself and it takes 10 seconds.

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Yes, and he's not smart enough to figure out Chrome Incognito.

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and bankers

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You can get all the soda and candy you want with food stamps, but not toothpaste.

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No doubt the guy drove home in a welfare Cadillac.

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Is it just me, or does that look like Vlad Putin?

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