CW: The IRS was performing due diligence on applications for tax-exempt status. While those applications were being processed, the groups were free to continue to do whatever they wanted. Additionally, since many of the groups were not to engage in political activity, what the IRS did or didn't do shouldn't have influenced the election.

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d: Not to get too technical on you, but I believe that was a prison in New Mexico. He was filming "Silver Streak." My family hates it when I do his bit about what he learned there - classic!

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U: Looks like you're about $500,000 ahead.

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This all makes perfect sense if you replace the word "find" in "find the missing emails" with "Write."

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Can someone sexplain this scandal to me? At first it was the IRS targeting anti-tax groups, then it was discovered that they were actually investigating left wing groups at a far greater frequency, then some emails went missing .... IMPEACH!!!!!1!!!!

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Everybody who could use a million bucks must be in on it.

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Seriously. Can you imagine what his pee smells like?

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<i>Identify and Return Sent </i>

ISWYDT, you sly, smooth devil, you.

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Why not just call it the "Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves" act?

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In Louie's case, I think it's "keep beating that carrot."

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Wait, isn't asparagus too French, and gay, for him?

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