Yes, apparently a bunch of rwnjs believe the Al Qaeda is close to declaring itself the government of Mexico.

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Kim? Kim Jong Un? That you?

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...explosive diarrhea, gives an entirely new meaning to "Dirty Bomb"!

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Oh, so buy myself a Doc Zoom and use him as my tipline, or something?

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Pretty sure if we just build a fence around Louie Gohmert's head, he'll think we solved the problem.


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But it's OK, they can still pass a firearms background check.

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And how long's our coastline?

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Arabs (at least the Islamic variety) don't normally eat pork, whereas your Latino/a will eat same. Preferably in a chile adobo sauce. Or as carnitas.

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...brown skin is brown skin, right?!?!

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...<em><strong>"We know that people that are now being trained to come in and act like Hispanic [sic] when they are radical Islamists."</strong><em>

Does this mean the terrorist are coming take our jobs too?!</em></em>

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Oh great, now I have to worry about exploding burritos more than I usually do.

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...<strong>BREAKING NEWS</strong> : Taco Bell has been placed on the terrorist watch list!!!!1!!

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Ooh! Ooh! CNN is announcing an arrest in the Boston Bombing!

Let the wild speculation continue!

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