I'll be right there with you, dude! :-)

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Trailer for campy "Space Station 76"https://youtu.be/18SJMvNrgDM

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To think that with all the urgent matters on the agenda, such as keeping our restrooms safe from transgender aggression and preserving the rights of Christians to hide behind the First Amendment to discriminate at will, this got into the Congressional Record.

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How have I never heard of this before?

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Or "Bless his heart."

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He's the foot stomper.

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Explain to me where it says in the Bible that dinosaurs or astroids even existed. Obviously Gogurt has been sort of paying attention to scientists.

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I viewed the video clip in its entirety. I thought his speech made his religious conviction perfectly clear; however, he was at his place of work: the senate. If I had gone on and on during a work conflict at a meeting with religious arguments, my employment would have been terminated. He clearly does not understand the definition of separation of church and state. There is nothing wrong with having morals and church-teachings behind your decision making, but what he is doing is clearly confusing the senate chambers for a pulpit and should be impeached. His inability to express himself in an appropriate way to hot topic issues demonstrates how small minded and limited his thinking is. How in the world do these mental midgets gain such powerful positions????

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If teh SpaceGays had any reason to not save humanity, it would be that the chance of another Louie Gohmert would be enough reason not to procreate.

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If my home team wasn't so gawd awful popular, I'd fear he was from around here. He certainly looks the part.

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That's pretty much my whole beef with the bible.

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We need laws to keep them out of our bathrooms as well, they could be talking to 6year old girls.

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It's not as hard as some "straights" would have you believe. It's quite simple really.

1. Start at the top of the vagina, and proceed between the lips.

2. Pay attention to the woman's reaction(this is where most knuckle draggers fail, they don't pay attention to women)

3. Stay where the reaction is most agreeable.

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And your average Christian is exhausted by these people as much as the rest of us.

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