Gohmert was trying to claim that an amendment about non-discrimination policies for people wasn't actually for people at all because it was an amendment to a bill about wildlife policy, apparently entirely ignorant of the simple fact that wildlife policy is implemented by people who work for the government.

Of course, to Gohmert, there's no such thing as "people who work for the government", so, ergo, they must be lizards.

ETA: Nope, that wasn't even it, it's even stupider. The bill was to basically to allow the idiot Tea Party masses to essentially prevent the government from ever doing anything by giving legal force to their relentless objections to any and all regulations. The amendment was to create an exception when the "regulation" is actually the government submitting to a consent decree to settle a lawsuit; this is frequently done for civil rights cases, but also sometimes done for environmental cases. Gohmert was deliberately trying to create a fog of confusion, somewhat like the one in which he lives.

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That should be the default for "Louie Gohmert" in EVERY name generator.

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Ernest Bullshit is heard from again.

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And they all hang out in Santa Cruz, the moochers.

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"Juan Smash", apparently, which I like mostly because of how offended I imagine he'd be if someone actually called him "Juan"

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The biggest irony there is that there is NO way a guy with that bumper sticker is a generous tipper.

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As a (former) eight-year resident of the City of University City, MO with its amazing <a href="http:\/\/media.connectingstlouis.com\/500\/university-city-mo-city-hall.jpg" target="_blank">city hall</a>, I truly appreciate this story. Thank you!

When I moved there in 1987 there was a traffic problem on my street corner. Mrs Lot_49 and I wrote a letter to the chief of police, who responded with a personal letter welcoming us to the city. This was not, to say the least, something our previous experience of city officials in general, and cops in particular, had led us to expect.

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I was so excited for you when I saw this post.

Yes, my workday is that bland sometimes.

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<i>“In the event that parties of the third part suck my balls, and interference from parties heretofore unknown,”</i>

Hey -- cutting and pasting from credit card disclosure statements is still PLAGIARISM.

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I schnopped at the schnooty Schnucks in Ladue, with its racist asparagus, which was exschellent.

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Louis Gohmert represents classic East Texas voters. They hate the government, love welfare, roads, guns, food stamps, education is not a priority, and they all drive to Dallas or Baton Rouge for health care via the ER because these communities have hospital districts as a tax authority so its easier for them to not pay. And if your skin pigment is not what they consider as being "white," your not welcome and subject ot harrassment.

He is almost guaranteed life-long membership as a politician unless someone releases a photo of him bed with a 12-year old boy. And even if that happens, 10% of his contituents will say he was just being a compassionate conservative, even though that same 10% can't spell or write "compassionate" or "conservative."

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today we are all chicken_thief in our love of the louie

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member yesterday when we were talking about buffy (well, i was)? i wish into every generation a political slayer was born.

it would be so fun to see republicans go all smokey 'poof'.

with votes of course.

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Related, St. Louis asparagus racial (non) scandal. <a href="http://www.stltoday.com/new..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/dry-aspa...">http://www.stltoday.com/new...

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Snail Darters?

Someone has been taking his rentboy to see that new <em>Turbo</em> movie...

Turbo Snails are kinda cool, though.

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Third party petition to the government regarding grievances. What crazy document could this radical idea be based on?

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