They found a Peloponnesian during my cousin's recent colonoscopy. Fortunately, it was benign.

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Pres Bartlett: Didn't they attach a family planning rider to the highway bill last year? Josh: They did. Pres: What's with these people? They can't stop talking about sex. Toby: If they can't be havin' it.

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You know how they separated the men from the boys in ancient Greece?

With a crow bar!

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Louis Louis Louis Lou-ee-ee, Louis Louis Louis You Lie eye eye....

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I'd like to see LouGoh in MOPP-5 for one fucking <i>day</i>. Apparently our man in TX has never worn that crap, if he did he would know you can't do much of shit in them. Well, you can take a shit in them.

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What is in the rest of the towel ad. I imagine it will be less predictable than Louie's rantings.

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I'm laughing too hard to comment (as if that were allowed). Goober has abandoned all reality and veered off into satire performance art now, yes?

Tisk, tisk not even wearing a presidential tie any more.

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Does he want to find out what was worn under the toga?

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Damn I wish the army had been like that picture.

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So I glanced at the title of this piece and what stood out was "Louie Gohmert" and "Gay Massage" in big bold letters. Then that put an image in my head and then a wave of nausea cascaded down my body. Let's just say I better forget about eating or sleeping anytime soon because that I'm not sure that image can ever be removed. So then I read the article and there's quotes from Louie talking about his knowledge of Greek Love, and pre-battle massages - and it's Gohmert for Christ's sake! Eewww!

So now I'm thinking this can only end with therapy and maybe medication.

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And don't get him started on the Peloponnisians...

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So, no reach arounds, huh?

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Wonkette does treat its gay wonktards pretty well sometimes.

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That's a towel ad? I thought it was one of those seedy covers for a gay trash novel. Times have changed.

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He has an aide who massages the wax into his skull. He's battle-ready.

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