Darlin', the only person giving "ReichScum" ammunition is you. You sound. EXACTLY. Like them. Probably because you are one,.

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I think it's pathetic is that he's trying to make it sound like we're all Puritanical anti-sex types. I guess that's easier for him than admitting he's pro-sexual abuse.

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"I asked the file clerk for a blow job and she didn't say no so why did I get fired as HR manager?! SO UNFAIR!"

Except LCK got an award LOL!

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it's always this. Same with the Oscars. Old white guy circle jerk.

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Definitely a bunch of guys voting for their friend who was so wronged. I mean, its not like he killed someone, right? Right?!?

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Reminds me of the "Sad Puppies" and the Hugo awards in the science fiction world.

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Definitely has a mile-wide misogynistic streak and complete inability to empathize or consider any viewpoint not his own. Bet he haaaaaated #metoo and stuck up for any of the famous guys called out by it. Wouldn't be surprised if he had defended Weinstein right up to when he was finally convicted. He's classy like that.

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Your service is appreciated. I abandoned it pretty quickly.

I am a little confused though, he didn't ask our permission before jerking off in front of us.

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I liked Midnight in Paris especially for that reason, he always grossed me out.

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"Puppetry of the Penis" Now that was funny! CK is not.

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a participation trophy? I thought they hated those!

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Actually I think they’d be disgusted at your caping for sexual harassers, but maybe I’m mistaken and they’re all still really fucking fond of Andres Cuomo who many Democrats asked to resign.

But you know, “hurr durr what you wrote is STOOPID” is not quite the intelligent and biting rebuttal you think it is. Mostly you just seem like another Old who can’t deal with the fact that the world is changing.

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Again: he had power over them. I know you know this. HE SAID AS MUCH. The "groupies" talked about him blocking doors and shoving people into rooms and grabbing women by the neck out of nowhere. None of this was throwing a fuck into willing groupies; it was cornering people who were not expecting or looking for sexual interactions. Talk about shitting on the facts! You're just forced to be dishonest so that you don't ever have to admit you're wrong.

This is tiresome. You're super upset people talked about and reported actual things that CK himself admits he did and that he was wrong to do them. And for that he lost, I dunno, a couple of opportunities. He still has a career, a Grammy, and millions. This is not in fact the earthshaking issue you want it to be; white men who fuck around and find out are getting what they deserve, and even then, not enough of that. He didn't have to take any real accountability or learn or change. And for this you have spent hours lashing out like a wounded cat, calling people "morons" and "delusional" and sounding exactly like the Trumpers you claim to hate. All you have succeeded in doing is telling on yourself; either you're someone who harassed or was harassed without consequences, and you're mad that other people aren't getting away with it now.

You may be a Democrat, but you're not progressive. Toodeloo.

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Are you seriously going to "I have a black friend" this thing?

You're a very bad person, my dude. Please never work in an office, because you will be fired with a quickness with this attitude towards SH.

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I've noticed he NEVER replies to any comments about the facts here.

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