Umm... it's California wine. <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=r_DGlXTtnyI" target="_blank">Amusing review here.</a>

"Tastes like a wet duck." "Chicken." "Whatever."

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<i>looked a lot like Gohmert in the toilet</i>


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"Rep. Gohmert, I'd like a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer to this question: Have you always been an insufferable, incoherent, bald-headed, lying, fart-knocker? Just a simple 'yes' or 'no' please!"

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Unacceptable behaviour. What a turd. This man is an elected official?

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Well, his middle name is Buller.

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Ooh you are awful... but I like you.

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What she forgot to mention, though, was that when "we" lose, America wins.

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Seems that Joe Piehole's assorted idiocies have cost his county <a href="http:\/\/blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com\/bastard\/2012\/04\/joe_arpaios_lawyer_tim_casey_e.php" target="_blank">close to a million dollars </a> so far. Much fun to be had clicking around that site, btw ... Arizona liberals can be hysterically snarky (I guess they'd have to be, with so much daily practice.) The comments from the local orcs are, as expected, astoundingly stupid.

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At long last, he has no decency.

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Well, they forgot to flatten the layers, so they can't be <em>that</em> competent...

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"The gentleman's time has expired" = even fellow Texas Republican Lamar Smith is embarrassed by this prick.

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Any halfway decent ad-provider has spent <em>a lot</em> of time writing algorithms to combat what they consider to be "click fraud". Depending on how desirable the keywords that caused the ad to appear are, you can cost him anywhere from pennies to a couple of dollars, once per computer per day (maybe once per browser per computer per day).

Multiple clicks will not result in further charges.

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Haven't you heard, McCarthy's a True Amurkkkan Hero again.

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"Muslims around the world, because the ones I hug are our friends"

-L Gohmert

"Ok, the dude I kiss? He's your man".

-J Iscariot

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Freedom? Justice? Foundation?

I bet $10,000 I can rustle up half a dozen wingtard/teabagger Koch front organizations with those words in their names.

EDIT: I wasn't going to bother actually looking them up, but now that I think of it, it would be fun to send the list to Gomer (R-Texas).

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