Ooh Eeh ooh ah-ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang.

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"And they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same."

Lah dee lah dee f'n dah. I, too, can quote old timey song lyrics. Next?

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Why do all these articles mention the fact that the child was autistic ? What TF does that have to do with anything ? Does the fact that he was autistic make his murder more horrific?

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Hard jerb? Nu-uh! Next thing you'll be telling me that they got Feelings and (ZOMG!) Rights also, too...The way I see it, and this goes for these two "abominable lawmen" (TM)(C)(R) et cetera, the ISIS scum and countless GOP and other various fuckheads throughout the world, I only have this to say: if you do not acknowledge and respect the rights of others, you got no business having any rights yourself, therefore FUCK YOU! Do NOT pass go. Do NOT collect $200. Last, but not least, do NOT buy a butter dish. Promptly remove yourself from my planet (with votes!). Do try not to knock another hole in the ozone layer on your way out.

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The easiest way to spot a con man... an unrequested affirmation of faith.

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No, a district judge, William Bennett, who stepped in when the local DA recused himself.

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I'm not on Twitter, but someone should make this trend, right now. Just post some fucked up news story and follow it with this hashtag.

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Kind of? He was just that much more vulnerable.

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Srsly what are white people doing to help their community?

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If he is a part of this same district it's not good. Why the gag order ? Who is he trying to protect ?

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How about that? The whole time I was reading this stuff, I assumed the cops were white.

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Now there's an optimistic thought.

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Too soon!!!!!

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Current Oath Keepers, FTFY

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Amen - I once drove from NO to Baton Rouge and kept the doors locked the whole way.

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Really, if white cops with a history of violence killed a black six year old it wouldn't get national play? The outrage meter would be pegged at 11.

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