<i>At one point, the Louisiana Department of Corrections considered ordering pentobarbital from an Oklahoma compounding pharmacy ...</i>

Was it one of the ones that offers d1sc0unt b0ner pillz?

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Oops, I should have figured Internet pharmacy jokes were not going to make it through the filters.

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It's so surprising* that a career prison system management, much like a career in other criminal justice fields, attracts sociopathic assholes with complete disregard for the laws that they don't like.

* "Surprising" as in "not surprising at all." See also: <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/556719\/midwestern-police-trying-new-shoot-all-black-people-approach" target="_blank">"Shoot-first-ask-questions-later racist police officers"</a>

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you know...I'm beginning to think we're just another 3-world country but with a higher standard of living.

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No shit, Try seeing it with a migraine.

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They had to go to every damn CVS in the state to get enough Sudafed.

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That's not what I heard at the Death Panel conference at the Abortioplex.

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When Jesus was getting the death penalty, he said "Forgive them, they know not what they do." He was talking about Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma ....

Yet, what is Stand Your Ground but the death penalty without a trial?

Conservatives want to limit government power except a) lady parts; b) killing us.

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They asked a drone, but it claimed conscientious objector status.

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Is this a great country, or what?

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