The school is called Eternity, because that is how long the kids will take to graduate.

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Or that we could not keep the republic.

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Please gawd please gawd please gawd may I <strong>never</strong> get to find out first-hand what health-care is like in LA.<br /><br /><br />Oh also too, of course, putting kids before shareholders = legally forbidden.

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Up to seven, but only the clean ones.

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You don't see China or Germany or India fucking around with Bible-based math and science. Someday they'll realize how wrong they were. Of course, I'll be dead -- killed, no doubt, by a graduate of some Louisiana medical school: motto: "Faith cures".

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I suspect Pastor-Turned-Principal Marie believes an engineer operates a train. This is so stupid and bad but it is Louisiana.

I hope Scott Walker is recalled today.

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but ... but ... but ... FREE MARKET!!!! Doesn't that solve everything? Oh yes, Jeebus too. LA is a poor state that has a long tradition of blatant corruption. Usually, the "throw the rascals out" ends up with a new band of corrupt legislators and gov't officials. It does not end. OTOH, Sen. Allen Ellender did use his <a href="http:\/\/www.southdownmuseum.org\/recipes" target="_blank">recipes</a> in his filibusters

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<blockquote>This First Amendment you keep talking about. What is it?</blockquote>

Dover seems so puny in comparison.

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<blockquote>Ain't it funny how the factory doors close Round the time that the school doors close Round the time that the doors of the jail cells Open up to greet you like the reaper</blockquote>

Yes, this story does make me feel ragey.

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And in the former case have absolutely no motive to put the kids' interests first.

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If the kids are smart, they'll take out the state legislators who voted for this clusterfuck.

Oh wait, the whole point is to make sure the kids <em>aren't</em> smart, isn't it?

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Piyush Jindal is by far the worst governor Louisiana has ever had. Every day is some new crime against intelligence, humanity or similar. Sorry, I can't come up with any jokes at the moment. God I hate this guy so much.

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The church schools are mainly for the white children. The blacks are just in holding schools until they're old enough to be sent to Angola.

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