Strong agree. The left wins elections to protect each other and our rights. ALL OF THEM.

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But if they don't suffer for having premarital sex, it makes babby Jebus cry.

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You are assuming intent and competence where none are possible, since both would require sentience.

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15 weeks. These self righteous assholes just want to spread misery and death.

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I would watch the FUCK out of this show.

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Yup. We went over this yesterday.

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A certain Oakland city councilwoman comes to mind. Really glad she's not from my district.

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Right -- you got your N'Awlins, you maybe got your Baton Rouge. . .outside of those two places, you're pretty much fucked.

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If they wanted to stop abortions from happening, they'd support comprehensive sex education and free contraceptives. What they really want is to make those slutty sluts suffer for the sin of enjoying sex.

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This far right, though? So far right that they haven't a twinkling of left in them? That seems pretty non-Dem to me. This seems like one of the dangers of voting D with no idea who you're voting for, honestly, or a sign that some actual Dem in Louisiana, even if they are more right than most, should be running against him. Hard.

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And punish poor women for having sex.

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More Pro-choice women in offfice, please.( If they are Carly Fiorina none of us are served.)

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I never remember to read down, you said it better than I did.

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What a Fucking traitor!

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