I've read most of James Lee Burke's Dave Robicheaux series. In one of the early/mid books Dave muses on how the government of Louisiana gave Paradise away to the polluting oil crowd. Watching the Huey Long movie shows a similar disregard for people. Blacks are worse of than whites, of course, but the whites live awful lives.

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Ian Astbury had the best hair in rock n' roll history. Even better than that crown of golden curls shared by Robert Plant and Roger Daltrey...

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Exactly my fear...

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Greed, mostly. Stupidity, also, too.

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Sure, go ahead, make an oil sanctuary. And when sea level rises flood you out, don’t expect out-state taxpayers to help, ask oil company shareholders. Morons.

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New Orleans will almost certainly have to be abandoned before the end of the century. Maybe McCormick and his ilk will take it seriously once they realize it will mean more “blah” people moving into their districts.

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Is this the before pic from the Hummer that got blown up?

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How is this not a blatant and illegal conflict of interest? This fuckhead owns an oil company and he's trying to ensure his own future profits—while also acting as "legislator" making the rules that would impact those future profits.

Maybe I'm just naively thinking rules and ethics still matter.

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I should check out if the typewriter in the basement is worth anything. Just guessing from the logo of the manufacturer's name, I'm guessing it was manufactured between 1925 - 1935. I know that there is a specialist's market in antique typewriters (RIP Tom Hanks), so I should check it out.

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You'd think that if laissez-faire economics worked so well that the bottom triad of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi would be the wealthiest region of the country.

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Yep, that's what I like to keep pointing out to people that like to say we're "destroying the planet." The planet was around a long time before we got here and will likely be here long after we're gone. We're just destroying our ability to live on it.

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I have told this story before, but my friend worked for a chemical company and developed a computer system to track that they responsibly traced their toxic waste and disposed of it properly. She traveled around the country installing it in all the factories.... except Louisiana, who seemed to like to dump theirs in rivers, they had one excuse after another not to trace their waste. They never installed the software back in the 90's . don't know what happened since, but I never eat gulf fish.

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We can tighten this up so all our oil and gas constituents can be proud of the bill.

And...another moron says the quiet part out loud...

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Oh you poor, sweet naïf...

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A suggested part in the Infrastructure Bill included billions to properly plug abandoned/orphaned oil and gas wells. They predict the oil and gas industries will soon be orphaning more wells as we phase out fossil fuels.

There’s also some research into utilizing orphaned wells for their methane, converting them into ‘clean’ energy prior to full decommissioning. Guess that would depend upon the willingness of companies to invest.


Danny owns M&M Oil, btw.

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They’ll be long gone by then so what do they care?

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