More Louisiana Republicans fingerpointblamegame Barack Obama for the feds' poor response to Hurricane Katrina than fingerpointblamegame the actual president at the time, George W.
What's this? It's just the "thirty-percent rule" - we should try to keep it under 10% but you can find 30 percent of Americans that believe fucking anything. America's "motherfuckers who would believe anything" numbers are much higher than other nations, I bet.
Your stance is more than 90 degrees wide?
More like returning a defective item.
Wonkette comments box makes a terrible IDE
What's this? It's just the "thirty-percent rule" - we should try to keep it under 10% but you can find 30 percent of Americans that believe fucking anything. America's "motherfuckers who would believe anything" numbers are much higher than other nations, I bet.
In this case, Tardis is a plural noun.
<<Mic Drop>>
Nah, they'll stop the recount.
Profing you're commnts is allways a xcellent idea!
No way. I'd give up Charleston if we can keep Nawlins.
That&#039;s <i>so</i> good....
In a related story, most Republicans give Ronald Reagan credit for winning the Vietnam War.
Lemme &#039;splain:
Fact: Katrina was God&#039;s wrath for our pro-homosexual culture
Fact: Obama is gayer then Gay Gayerson&#039;s gay lover, Homoqueer McLovesGuys.
Ergo: Obama caused Katrina
Clearly, the problem is that I live in the reality-based community.
with votes?
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