So, you may remember Zach Kopplin,the awesome 19 year old dude from Louisiana who's been trying to overturn his state's idiotic "Louisiana Science Education Act," that state's brilliant 2008 law that allows teachers to bring in "supplemental" materials when discussing science they don't like, such as climate change or evolution.
God slavishly obeys the laws of physics and probability.
I heard this a couple days ago: &quot;Evolution isn&#039;t something you believe in or not. It&#039;s something you <i>know</i> or not.&quot; my opinion &quot;M-Theory&quot; is an attempt to explain something which I think is unexplainable. What is reality?! When I try to understand the technical details of this theory, blood begins to trickle out of my ears!
...<em>&ldquo;Yet if I closed my mind when I saw this man &mdash; in the dust, throwing some bones on the ground, semi-clothed &mdash; if I had closed him off and just said, &lsquo;That&rsquo;s not science. I&rsquo;m not going to see this doctor,&rsquo; I would have shut off a very good experience for myself,&rdquo; Guillory said.&quot;</em>
I guess the Nigerians have a scam! Frankly I am a little pissed off that I didn&#039;t get the memo, considering that I am Nigerian!
...if you really want to &quot;mind fukk&quot; yourself, try and understand M-theory! Hopefully your schedule is free for the next 6 years, because it will take you about that long to understand it!
Isn&#039;t that a 1.5 eye average ? My math is a bit Drinky right now.
God slavishly obeys the laws of physics and probability.
I heard this a couple days ago: &quot;Evolution isn&#039;t something you believe in or not. It&#039;s something you <i>know</i> or not.&quot;
Doctors proudly display theit diplomas on the wall. But will they do so with their Louisiana high school diploma? Might be bad for bidness.
This entire blog can be shipped to Afghanistan, no one has lost any
...god particle? my opinion &quot;M-Theory&quot; is an attempt to explain something which I think is unexplainable. What is reality?! When I try to understand the technical details of this theory, blood begins to trickle out of my ears!
...<em>&ldquo;Yet if I closed my mind when I saw this man &mdash; in the dust, throwing some bones on the ground, semi-clothed &mdash; if I had closed him off and just said, &lsquo;That&rsquo;s not science. I&rsquo;m not going to see this doctor,&rsquo; I would have shut off a very good experience for myself,&rdquo; Guillory said.&quot;</em>
I guess the Nigerians have a scam! Frankly I am a little pissed off that I didn&#039;t get the memo, considering that I am Nigerian!
...errrr, I&#039;m no expert but I&#039;m pretty sure your penis shouldn&#039;t be purple or have the texture of shark skin!
...if you really want to &quot;mind fukk&quot; yourself, try and understand M-theory! Hopefully your schedule is free for the next 6 years, because it will take you about that long to understand it!
...found it! Wow, also found a good deal on penis enlargement pills!!!
So, countries such as Sudan and Bangladesh have better standards in science than most of our southern states?
Now go do... that voodoo... that YOU do... SO WELL...!
Unfortunately, the stupidity seems to be trickling down from voodoo science much better than the wealth did from voodoo economics.