It's spring, so it's time for the Louisiana state legislature's annual competitionfor who can come up with the stupidest rationale to keep the awful "Louisiana Science Education Act" (LSEA), an anti-evolution law that's been in place since 2008.
I know right? And then they mess with our right to legislate ignorance for all! Conservatives are only trying to share their goodness and values with the masses, after all! Sheesh!
Slightly related, Mark Twain wrote a hilarious deadpan description of the daily lives of Adam and Eve; his careful description of Adam's first experience of taking a shit is priceless.
It could also be said that the Catholic Church of the time was against translating the Bible into vernacular languages was because they feared the half-educated would cause all kinds of trouble. Just like what happened.
So they're trying to fuck history as well as science in Louisiana. Great.
"In Alaska, graft is king" - Lou Sarah
I know right? And then they mess with our right to legislate ignorance for all! Conservatives are only trying to share their goodness and values with the masses, after all! Sheesh!
We apologise for the inconvenience. ;)
1+1=3 for sufficiently small values of 3.
Yeah, the gumbo and the music and the relaxed attitude about bare breast displays in Bourbon street bars. Thanks, I swear I'm gonna come back.
Slightly related, Mark Twain wrote a hilarious deadpan description of the daily lives of Adam and Eve; his careful description of Adam's first experience of taking a shit is priceless.
I was once blinded with science; I got better. :-)
Ethelbert the Unready libel!!!
No, no, you've got way too many steps there. It's simple:
Construct a HypothesisKill Everyone Who Questions Your Hypothesis
Especially coming on the heels of:
"And that, my liege, is how we know the earth to be banana-shaped"
It could also be said that the Catholic Church of the time was against translating the Bible into vernacular languages was because they feared the half-educated would cause all kinds of trouble. Just like what happened.
I see yer pretty good at teh maths...
Though I have to admit I've been to the ends of the Earth; at the time I had a rather surprising number of friends living in Toledo.
I sort of do. Does that mean I do or I don't?