NO, the video can be erased by court order or sealed as confidential. There is no valid reason to allow them to turn off the cameras. If the cops had morals there would be no need for the cameras in the first place.

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Woah dude, I have definitely dealt with police in matters where I would *not* want them recording me. AND I am a rational, sentient being. So you know where you can put that.

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It takes more HP to go from 155 to 165 than it does to get to about 120-130 to begin with. The curve on that is really steep and having a half million dollar super car doesn't bend the curve, it just pushes it to the right a little.

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I don’t see how racism without sadism/psychopathy gets you this level of brutality. UNLESS a huge part of the motivation for racism is it justifies your sadism. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know. In addition to being evil racism is pretty fucking weird. Obsessive.

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Yep. Poor people-hating. Not the poverty itself. They know who they can get away with mistreating.

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One of my fellow Art School students who went to school in San Francisco but was staying with relatives in one of the suburbs on the BART line was stopped by the police walking down the street in Walnut Creek. And questioned. 🤷🏻‍♀️ What did they think this skinny young guy, who did not have long hair, was going to do that would harm the scions of Walnut Creek? Cop stuff needs to be re-designed. Also too real background checks.

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These four are gone, but the problem is pretty much every police department or county sheriff south of Toronto has 4 more. There is something about being a cop that attracts some people with a desire to serve and do good, but also some people who want an excuse to be sadistic assholes.

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Until definitively proven otherwise, YES.

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I was personally hoping some circumstance would arise where they end up in Dry Tortuga or an island off of French Guyana.But that's just me.

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Probably just saw the Stallone movie, he doesn't seem like a reader of even comics...

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Holy buggerballs! Also to a show about trying to reform police and the police union threats against politicians would make a hell of a TV show. But I won’t hold my breath.

Sounds like Minneapolis needs to dissolve its police department like Camden New Jersey did, getting rid of the union and then everybody has to reapply for their old job. If the DOJ set up a task force to help vet the cop-applicants (if that’s possible jurisdiction wise) that would help too.

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Why? Playing to their strengths.

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A Hyundai Sonata has an electronic speed limit device that prevents the car from going over 109 MPH, in accordance with federal law that requires car not be capable of exceeding the maximum speed rating of the factory installed tires.Which on a Sonata is 112 MPH rated H series tires.

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Holy crap. All I’m getting on YouTube is tax software ads. Plus the endless Big Rugged Truck Commercials. You’re probably watching sports. While I’m just watching comedy and cats.

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New Pope, like New Coke. ☹️

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