I wonder how forgiving your rapist and/or abuser fits into that.

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I personally do not see an upside to forgiving your abuser. Revile them, spit on their hypothetical grave, and move on.

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EVERYTHING about that flyer screams the "got Jesus" people trying to be cool and modern. The 29:11 is a BIG tipoff, some bible verse about (paraphrased) "we have PLANS for thee!"

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Perfectly understandable. In my experience, however, forgiveness is intergral to healing.

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Clever. So clever.

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That seems to be the pattern here.

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I went to my county fair today, and saw a woman with a "Kill Your Local Pedophile" shirt on. I'm sure it's some Q thing, but I was briefly tempted to ask whether she was protesting the Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, etc.

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Did you watch it? It's hilarious.

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The original story was, so I understand, a self -insert by the gay, male author excluded by society and desiring to be "normal" and fit into it.

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By magical thinking they see themselves in charge of that part. They're pitifully simple.imho.

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They haven't any idea how big government should be, it's an estimate no regular person gets a sense of. The issue arose-- I think-- in the 60's I THINK. When this country made itself responsible for black people as a distinct group. Or thought about doing it. That was 'big gov't.' Meaning too big! Then it turned out 'regulations' also made the gov't too big!

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How could you even think of such a thing??? That would have been taking an unfair of a person who thinks slowly along certain grooves and can't get out of them.

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Yeah, would have been more on topic to teach them how to do the raping bit, so the girls could practice forgiving them.

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So, did the students who can't register to vote because they are still under 18 or aren't US citizens get to eat? Or did they make them fill out the forms anyway so they could be brought up on charges later for voter fraud.

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Have no doubt: this is the nation and the world they are forcing on all of us. They are shameless and relentless. They. will. not. stop. WE have to stop them. Thanks for exposing this.

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Which is exactly why the freakazoids are ensuring that school system decision-makers are fellow freakazoids who will protect the perptrators.

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