Tuesday, while your Wonkette was working to bring the world "important" hilarious news about the pathetic Sarah Palin "Lou Sarah" account, we also threw up an account of somebody visiting the Louisiana Capitol building and finding a statue of the state's first governor accompanied by a framed print-out of the governor's Wikipedia entry.
Well, if you're checking out the stuff in Baton Rouge, might as well go on down to New Orleans and verify the food and music while you're at it.
Actually many of my comments made more sense and had fewer typos when initially written. However, a Louisiana lobbyist snuck in and switched words and letters when no one was looking, making me look like the dingbat that I'm not. I think.
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; "
Riiiight. So, I'm paying out of pocket to see a chiropractor in a sort of medical hail mary pass because I can't afford actual health care. But I'm not worried about my life...nope.
Congratulations on hitting the 100p level! It may not be much solace living in the Okie panhandle but you're the heavy Wonkette hitter in that area!
Someone broke in, stole the original and replaced it with a Wikipedia printout? You want us to believe that really happened? Sir, you insult us which is OK cause we're going to insult you.
Well, if you're checking out the stuff in Baton Rouge, might as well go on down to New Orleans and verify the food and music while you're at it.
Jack really messed up this time.
When he read Wonkette years ago, it looked so fucking easy.
Yeah...that got my attention too. Words to live by.
Actually many of my comments made more sense and had fewer typos when initially written. However, a Louisiana lobbyist snuck in and switched words and letters when no one was looking, making me look like the dingbat that I'm not. I think.
I thought the NRA had a monopoly on calling opponents jack booted thugs.
The good news is an ethics lecture from a Louisiana lobbyist isn't going to take very long.
Probably about as long as it takes a Republican to complete the physical act of love...
A Wonketteer would have replaced it with someone worth breaking and entering for.
Jesus, that older post itself has 18570 Views! I guess we all learned something we never wanted to: Trolls have some weird masturbation rituals.
This reminds me of the time Tucker Carlson gave Jon Stewart a hard time for not giving a tough interview to John Kerry.
Do conservatives really not understand the difference between news and comedy?
*Turns on Glenn Beck.**
Obviously not.
Man...I loves me some good bible verse.
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; "
Riiiight. So, I'm paying out of pocket to see a chiropractor in a sort of medical hail mary pass because I can't afford actual health care. But I'm not worried about my life...nope.
Matthew, David Vider called. He needs some help changing his diapers again.
And once again, the irony of creating a graven image of the commandment which expressly forbids graven images will be lost on the fundies.
Congratulations on hitting the 100p level! It may not be much solace living in the Okie panhandle but you're the heavy Wonkette hitter in that area!
Someone broke in, stole the original and replaced it with a Wikipedia printout? You want us to believe that really happened? Sir, you insult us which is OK cause we're going to insult you.
They're so cute at that age. Lobbyists are to ethics what the World Wrestling Federation is to sports.