You really believe that looting is a worse crime than systematic racist murder? Because you are saying BLM are not allowed to protest cops killing children if that coincides with looting. That's like saying you are not allowed to break a window to save someone from a burning building, you have lost all sense of proportion!
He was probably too busy releasing his Isn't it wonderful to be young and alive? Breonna Taylor was unavailable for comment
Technically, Cameron can get elected to statewide office in Kentucky without a single black vote, as long as he has 100 percent of the racist vote. That's what he's going for. But he's ignoring just how much he's shitting the bed with black voters and just how hard they're going to come after him.
They always point to the marches in the 60s as the "right way" to protest, completely forgetting that they are just repeating what white folks said in the 60s about those marchers. Even more so, they conveniently forget that protesters were also violently rebuffed then, too.
The link isn't sure if it wants to work or not. It needs to take a few days to think it over and then maybe decide.
Wise choice
They are at war and are afraid of the enemy (i.e. non-fascist civilians). Also, they don't see the enemy as human.
You really believe that looting is a worse crime than systematic racist murder? Because you are saying BLM are not allowed to protest cops killing children if that coincides with looting. That's like saying you are not allowed to break a window to save someone from a burning building, you have lost all sense of proportion!
Bonjour, deux biere sil vous plait.
Yep, I've still got the essentials.
I'd rather have looters in my town than cops. The looters just take my stuff, but the cops kill children.
You really don't fucking get it, do you? MURDER IS WORSE THAN LOOTING! The looting will stop when the murders stop and all the murderers are in jail.
Any idea how difficult it is to do a job the way it's supposed to be done? It's soooo haaaaaarrrrrddddd (*toddler whine*).
It's so much easier to do whatever you want and hit people with truncheons when they protest. Besides, it's not like they're killing WHITE people...
He was probably too busy releasing his Isn't it wonderful to be young and alive? Breonna Taylor was unavailable for comment
Technically, Cameron can get elected to statewide office in Kentucky without a single black vote, as long as he has 100 percent of the racist vote. That's what he's going for. But he's ignoring just how much he's shitting the bed with black voters and just how hard they're going to come after him.
They always point to the marches in the 60s as the "right way" to protest, completely forgetting that they are just repeating what white folks said in the 60s about those marchers. Even more so, they conveniently forget that protesters were also violently rebuffed then, too.
Start arresting cops and see who starts singing.
To be fair, the New York Post was probably opposed to lunch counter sit-ins, or marches over bridges, or voter registration drives as well.
They're nothing if not consistent in their convictions.
Thanks Got it
Certainly not metric, anyway.
Start with the federal goons who were kidnapping people in Portland.