i think you should let marx and hitler out of your kindle as they may need a drink or something.

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Rappers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your gold chains.

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I'm fairly sure that alone accounts for a significant portion of his popularity, because it is indeed fun to say.

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He was kicked off of Twitter for using "affects" when he meant "effects." Twitter is strict that way.

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In completely unrelated news except that it is also music, is anybody else here as totally pumped as I am about the new Daft Punk CD? I've been listening to it for the last 2 days and it is pretty great.

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No, he has said a bunch of negative stuff about Obama in the past but specified he just wasn't going to vote in 2012 and that "Obama need swing states and white people not radical rappers kissing his ass to win this election..".

So not really an actual Romney supporter, just a doofus.

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That would be awesome, anything involving Matsumoto (Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999) is always welcome, even if its just in a design role like on Interstella 5555.

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What, a Fiasco.

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