Have you even seen a Republican debate?

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If American became a Christian theocracy, there would not be a shred of daylight between Christian Theocratic Law ad Sharia Law.

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Well they do both borrow heavily from Leviticus.http://leviticusbans.tumblr...

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Actual believers have no clue what they actually believe for the most part. Whatever the preachers and their parents told them is all they have. Much safer for everybody. Except the people they don't like.

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Gosh Darn! This is the only site I can actually read and belly laugh at how nutty these fruitcakes in the Republican party really are. THANK YOU, Wonkette, for telling the truth about these buttholes!

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Well, I dunno. There might be a little nub she'd feel on her butt, sitting on Junkabee's lap. You know, the guy wants to look at naked women in high school locker rooms, so he probably has a stash of Viagra handy at all times.

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You mean they watch a WHOLE lot of the Honorary Josef Goebbels Propaganda Channel, so that the imaginary world in their minds absolves them of any responsibility for being jackasses.

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God must have installed a credit card chip reader at the Pearly Gates for these people. They actually DO think they can buy their way into eternal bliss.

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Hell no, not yet. However, they have thanked him for turning Sarah Palin's son into the girlfriend-beater, schoolbus brake line cutter that he is today. It's all Obama's fault!

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I thought that she was a papist, so not a Christian by the standards of those that loudly proclaim themselves Christian.

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xtians can only do one thing at a time. right now that thing is being stupid. so you can see their problem...

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wtf. that is so wrong on so many levels

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Hmmm...Bragging about being humble. Man if Jesus did come back and hasn't changed his philosophy, he'd fucking hate these bags of vinegar and water.

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the truth hurts to much, and she's soooooo sensitive - don't make her cry you meenies -

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Carly seems to be obsessed about dead baby parts. This makes me suspicious. You know how converts can be much more fanatic than people who were raised in a religion? You know how ex-smokers can be more militant about anti-smoking than people who never smoked? It crossed my mind to wonder if Carly maybe had an abortion a long time ago, and it's a deep dark scary secret that twisted her already-too-small brain.

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The Booke of Exegesis weighs down mine Hearte for the poore egesis driven from their Parentheses.

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