Sounds like a good show.

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I don't think we need to give a shit about letting humorless ass wipes comment here.I've seen this one's comments and it's a waste of time. It's always the same old tired crap and they have their own playground. Let them stay there and play with power tools and whine on.

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well, yes but it DOES help keep the teatards busy.

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Seriously? For Dobb's sake, what's the point?!

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and the donald.

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this is good news for donald trump.

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Downfist troll is back.

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OT - Douchebag alert. Another following troll has raised its insipid head. I won't mention its name, but the profile disses Wonk for banning non-liberal types. This is just a flat out lie...we had a very spirited discussion with Bobthebuilder (or something, I forget) and we didn't ban him.

...we did make him cry though.

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Holy shit...in the time it took me to edit my comment and repost it, downfist mcdouchebag acted.

Don't these people have jobs? Don't they realized that we are like Weebles? You.can't.knock.us.down.

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