Easter Rising (or Rebellion)

On Easter Monday, April 24, 1916, a group of Irish nationalists proclaimed the establishment of the Irish Republic and, along with some 1,600 followers, staged a rebellion against the British government in Ireland. The rebels seized prominent buildings in Dublin and clashed with British troops.

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oh I went from laughing at them wallowing in the mess they made to bitter anger at them fucking us over again. Couldn't let us get even 100 years clear of them. Pricks.

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Well, here the Confederacy which lost less than 200 years ago is still fucking around.

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Looks like the sow's still eating its farrow to me.

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Another beautiful person dead before I ever got a chance to hear of her. I've heard of her now, watched her little film, and will seek out her writing. Rest in Power, Lyra.

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Don't worry. Brexit will fix this.

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To me the most horrible thing about all this is how the Troubles might come back because of Brexit. A hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, which almost no one wants but everyone is apparently too dumb to figure out how to avoid, means a lot of cops and border guards with targets on their backs.

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Oddly, a search for Snatch Squad turns up lots of pictures of riot police.

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Ding dong!

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2 men have been arrested in connection with her death. https://www.npr.org/2019/04...

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The Irish fought a brutal war against the British following WWI which was known as the Anglo Irish war. Many Irish were killed and quite a few British soldiers were killed. In 1922 Michael Collins the commander of the IRA traveled to England to sign a treaty to end the war. The English offered a Free State status for Ireland with a provision that the six counties of Ulster remain part of the UK. In return the Irish were given provisional control over the rest of Ireland and their own parliament. Collins signed the treaty thinking that this was the best deal at the time , a few months later Collins was shot by the hardliners of the IRA. A civil war followed in which thousands of Iriish werevkilked by their Irish brothers. The civil war was more brutal than the British occupation. It seems that the Irish tend to be more murderous towards their own country men than any foreigners. So all this listing of all the different Irish political groups is mictating into the wind . We Irish seem to be cursed with intransigence and violence. Just two years ago in Belfast Gerry Adams the legendary leader of Sinn Fein just narrowly missed conviction for murdering a Catholic mother of five during the troubles. Apparently she was accused of being an informer. It is amazing how people react when they allow hate to control their souls. Romantic Ireland is dead and gone it is in the grave with sic O’Leary to paraphrase Yeats.

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Uh, no, thanks. I'll just hang around and vote the bums out.

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Indeed—for many reasons, but the one really got my attention was how he was added to the ticket—a request from Putin hand-delivered by Manafort.

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Point taken. The only real Americans are the natives and we don't know when they arrived. Some say it was 12-14,000 years ago. But the fundagelicals know that isn't possible because the entire universe is less than 7000 years old. The rest of us are the offspring of immigrants. Most of our ancestors avoided the Nielsen Cages. Anyway, I'll cut Ulster unionists some slack.

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