They’ve already begun to attack her for being descended from a slave owner.

Pause for a second and think about the circumstances through which most black people came to have ancestors who were slave owners.

Yeah, they aren’t thinking things through.

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American has never fully recovered from that time Obama used Grey Poupon mustard.

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I maintain it's pronounced "vice-president".....

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No Kayne West? Nugent? Limbaugh? Q?

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Hasn't that already happened in Portland?

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I'll believe that when he dies from ingesting it.

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Well said. I have been making that remark so often that I should write it on a sticky note to c/p instead of composing it every time. I'm sure we'll have increasing need of it.

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The arrow pointing right? He had his brief.

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Hate is very destructive to one's psyche. I find it exhilarating, on the other hand, to despise, disdain, revile, and scorn Trump and his cultists.

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That is a Hannity lie. He clearly said "a spicy mustard, something like that, a dijon mustard".

Do you see how they twist the truth to further their evil plans?

Ironically though, they confused it with Grey Poupon, which is the brand name dijon mustard specifically used by monocle-wearing, chauffeur-driven old white Moneybags who are the grandchildren of Robber Barons, as opposed to a humble generic dijon, which is used by scheming effete Marxists haunting the hippest coffee cafes of Berkley, New York City and of course Portland. HUGE difference.

Fox really missed a golden opportunity to educate their viewers on that one.

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You bet I cried during Kamala's speech. Probably not for the same reason you guys did, though.

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I love how you project. You cannot imagine how sick people are going to be of hearing your crap.

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You went there.

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You're pretty easy to size up. You're just another spoiled cosplay radical. You don't have the slightest idea of what you are doing. Go vote for the Green Party or whatever useless crap you want to do. We have a fight, we are going to win it, and your worthless input or help or vote isn't needed. And that was your last card to play. Bye.

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If your prediction is that things will never turn out perfect enough to stop your complaining I doubt you will ever be wrong as well.

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