new trend?? it's been this way since reagan

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I still prefer Orange Shitgibbon.

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So let it be written, so let it be done!

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I'm glad Kamala took back the wearing of pearls from all the Karen's.

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If the media just adopts the term "Twatwaffle" into their style guides, the issue takes care of itself.

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I know it pales in comparison to what people like Harris and Michelle went thru, but I graduated from high school in the early 70's. I went to college and during the summer, worked at a sawmill (green chain, if you know what that is). I was the first female to do so in our town. People were alternately aghast and/or expecting me to fail. Nope. Didn't do it. I worked other jobs during the school year as well, and got out of there with ZERO debt, for which I am truly grateful. Jobs after college in field biology were both interesting and intensive. I pickaxed ice north of Barrow to get our snowmachines thru so we could count bowheads. I helped carry sandbags, tripods, and stakes upstream near Kodiak to get fish to go up a fishpass to spawn is the gorgeous spawning areas that they couldn't otherwise get to.

My parents were very worried.

My MIL was aghast, almost as much as she was when I said I was hyphenating my last name (hey, there aren't too many of us around in the US).

A relative said it wasn't very.... feminine (in a concerned tone of voice and look that said she was wondering if I was one of them there lezzies. I'm not).

I wouldn't have had it any other way, and neither did these women and others like them. Kudos.

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yup wore my shirt, too

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The White Sheep of the family

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I do think that, without the pandemic, Trump would have won again.

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He and his Secretary of State approved and implemented some of the worst murderous festering choices in American foreign policy. His administration was the source of '53 in Iran. Dulles threw out the peace agreement with the Vietnamese for a democratic government cause Communism.

He destroyed the train systems and encouraged the destruction of local mass transit for automobiles.

He gave us Nixon.

Unlike Reagan, he did not sell arms to Iran to pay for a genocide. Unlike Nixon he did not bomb Cambodia into such chaos that there was a resulting genocide. Also, unlike Reagan, Bush, and W, he did not betray the Kurds to slaughter.

So for a R pretty good.

For a D? Hideous.

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Yup and the world will be expecting great things from us... and they’ll get it. We have gone without leadership for so long, I can’t wait. They will show that real leadership comes through setting an example,not for Executive Orders.

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Worked in a poultry plant and they put me on one of the worst jobs, hauling cold dead chickens out of the ice bath. Did it every day for months. Didn't quit. They tried me at other gross stations. Same result. They thought short skinny white girl couldn't hang. HA mofos.

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I’ve seen that used, and I hope it catches on. Hair Furor was my favorite during the 4-year siege.

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i actually noticed that on twitter today.

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Hey, Stephen, this is your victory, too. You helped make this happen. You got a lil' too damned close to the abyss for our comfort sometimes, but you fucking stared it down until it whimpered. Thank you for the daily dose of courage and humor and things we needed to know about, even the things that would have been too horrible to face alone.

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