I've seen the photo of him reaching for something on the wall to the left of the door, which from another angle looks like an actual fire alarm. It sure looked like he was messing with the fire alarm and not the door.
Of course, it was in a different building and didn't cause Congress to evacuate so this is all a load of histrionic crap from the fools in the Republican party but... what the hell was he doing?
And for some reason, we always felt like we had to give in and do what they wanted, because otherwise they'd quit playing, like that actually would have had any real consequences.
We’ll just add this to the nihilist Republican checklist along with Biden’s nonsense impeachment inquiry. I don’t have to see the video to know that actual statesman and dedicated public servant Jamaal Bowman hit the wrong button to open the door in a panic to get to the vote. Republicans don’t understand that because the only time they’d be that anxious to get inside is a scheduled interview slot on Fox “News”. Republicans see the world through shit colored glasses. Everyone and everything is awful therefore there is no need for anyone to be held accountable for anything. To think otherwise requires actual introspection and hard work. They must have been so thrilled when this happened. Let the false equivalency begin! Also, Republicans worship doors as the answer to the weekly school shooting problem. Perhaps they were just offended on behalf of doors?
"Pete Hegseth — the one who always looks like he literally just left an orgy at Pepé Le Pew’s house and then they got matching hairstyles afterward"
I'm pretty sure that the AP Style Guide says that you have to refer to Pete Hegseth as "the guy that admitted on national television that he doesn't believe in washing his hands after he goes to the restroom."
They should just own it and state that a Black (Dem) man voting in the legislature is insurrection.
I wonder if it would be an insurrection if all the Dems ate a bunch of beans and other gas-inducing foods prior to the next Day of Republican Fuckery in 45 days, and interrupted business by way of airborne bio weaponry and noise.
Wingnut Bro posted on FB calling it an insurrection and the stupidest stunt he has seen in a while. The post includes a photo of I guess Rep. Bowman's face photoshopped with the Jan. 6 guy who worse the horns, particularly the hat. The Shaman guy. Republican humor.
I'm sorry, I missed the disruption of the Republican attempts to drive our nation off the cliff.
No problem, just think "Thelma and Louise" but really, really ugly.
Ta, Evan. You always treat the R scum with the contempt they so richly deserve.
To misquote "Jaws," "You're gonna need a bigger contempt."
I've seen the photo of him reaching for something on the wall to the left of the door, which from another angle looks like an actual fire alarm. It sure looked like he was messing with the fire alarm and not the door.
Of course, it was in a different building and didn't cause Congress to evacuate so this is all a load of histrionic crap from the fools in the Republican party but... what the hell was he doing?
If you look at the photo there's a fire alarm there but there's also a silver looking button with writing I cannot see because of the angle.
It looks like you press the button to override the alarm/open or unlock the doors without the alarm being triggered.
Maybe. I've never seen an override button on an emergency door before though. Weird.
Kinda obviates the point of an alarmed door, but this is Congress we are talking about here.
These were the kids always changing the rules on the playground when they weren't going to win some game everyone kinda just made up.
And for some reason, we always felt like we had to give in and do what they wanted, because otherwise they'd quit playing, like that actually would have had any real consequences.
We’ll just add this to the nihilist Republican checklist along with Biden’s nonsense impeachment inquiry. I don’t have to see the video to know that actual statesman and dedicated public servant Jamaal Bowman hit the wrong button to open the door in a panic to get to the vote. Republicans don’t understand that because the only time they’d be that anxious to get inside is a scheduled interview slot on Fox “News”. Republicans see the world through shit colored glasses. Everyone and everything is awful therefore there is no need for anyone to be held accountable for anything. To think otherwise requires actual introspection and hard work. They must have been so thrilled when this happened. Let the false equivalency begin! Also, Republicans worship doors as the answer to the weekly school shooting problem. Perhaps they were just offended on behalf of doors?
"Pete Hegseth — the one who always looks like he literally just left an orgy at Pepé Le Pew’s house and then they got matching hairstyles afterward"
I'm pretty sure that the AP Style Guide says that you have to refer to Pete Hegseth as "the guy that admitted on national television that he doesn't believe in washing his hands after he goes to the restroom."
MLA, too.
That gross fact about him is burned into my brain forever.
This is why they want members to be permitted to carry guns on the House floor, so that they could take out someone like Bowman.
Assertive Black men, you mean?
Why don't we ask Lauren Boebert?
I hear she's the expert on pulling things in public.
The proof is in the pud-ding.
"two of the interchangeable, extraneous white men"
LOL, I read this as "two interchangeable, enormous white men".
They should just own it and state that a Black (Dem) man voting in the legislature is insurrection.
I wonder if it would be an insurrection if all the Dems ate a bunch of beans and other gas-inducing foods prior to the next Day of Republican Fuckery in 45 days, and interrupted business by way of airborne bio weaponry and noise.
Quite Right. They are not serious people. They are dangerous people.
Oh, holy fucking shit on a communion plate. Also too, I don’t recall delayed egress door alarms in school but that was decades ago.
Gah! On the one hand, they're ridiculously stupid and easy to laugh at. OTOH they're ridiculously stupid and difficult to reason with.
Their tears fuel my very soul. That is all.
" and then he took a shit on McCarthy's desk and wrote 'Kill the Pigs' with poop on the walls"
Wingnut Bro posted on FB calling it an insurrection and the stupidest stunt he has seen in a while. The post includes a photo of I guess Rep. Bowman's face photoshopped with the Jan. 6 guy who worse the horns, particularly the hat. The Shaman guy. Republican humor.
They do this with Biden all the time, too.
"Here's Trump groping a teenage girl! What if Biden did that? That would be gross, probably!"