It just occurred to me that if homeopathy was real, seawater would cure fucking everything.

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All true.

Just another gunhumper myth perpetuated into the modern era.

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I remember the daily show talking about these dowsing rods sometimes around the time of the contractors who took pallets of money and walked off with them. The guys who played football with bricks of cash. I miss Jon

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My divining rod has worked wondrously well for that for many decades - highly recommended; email me for a quote!

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I am beginning to see why Iraq is a failed state. I mean, never mind the part about believing something like a drowsing rod would really find bombs but paying up to $60k of a Y-shaped stick you could pick up off the ground for nothing! Just how fucking stupid/gullible do you have to be?

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I wish James McCormick had gone into the "magic bombs that don't work" business.

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Even the "magic bullets that don't work" business might have had a positive impact on the region.

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I get it believe me, your body adjusts to the lower food intake by slowing your metabolism. However, when I complained to my Dr. about this effect she said you're changing the composition of your body from fat to muscle which weighs more.

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They're buying up my bridges left right and center...

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Don't forget that vaccines cause autisim, 9/11 was an inside job, the government is hiding evidence of alien life, Obama is a Muslim and is trying to enact Sharia law in the U.S., magic glasses can let you read golden tablets left on earth by angels, and of course, once you rid yourself of body thetans you can prevent car accidents with your mind, duh!

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Oooh, will the clue be obscure and require me to rid a dungeon of rats to find the old man who is holding it?

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Obviously he mistakenly set his stick to "dirt" , thats what you get for hiring a cut-rate dowser. Next time, tell you neighbors to only go with a certified, unionized professional with references.

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Idiots wandering in the streets with their noses on the screen? Yeah, I think so. I had to come to a screeching halt no less then 4 times this weekend downtown so as to avoid running over wandering college students. . . One didn't even look up!

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"An Honest Liar" Excellent. Highly recommend it!

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I've got all three of those, and reread them about every year or so. TAR rocks!

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