these are great stories you guys. i'm getting to know the homeless in chicago. none have those kind of stories yet, but i have never had so many people humbly thank me for helping the gov't get them health insurance.

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She probably is, though. Moms are weird like that.

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Remember, "<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=gbU4VRs2rro" target="_blank">money = how much better you are</a>."

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And then there was the time when Donald Trump explained to his teenage daughter, as they breezed by a beggar on Fifth Avenue (without of course aiding the man), that *he* was actually poorer than that guy, because he was in bankruptcy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCH A WIT.

Young Gopman might want to take a look at some of the other people who have called poor people undesirables, and have advocated moving them to segregated areas. There's quite a long tradition of that in western culture.

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A nit, but I think you mean "Peninsula". San Jo is pretty thoroughly Democratic.

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"...there is an area of town for degenerates and an area of town for the working class. There is nothing positive gained from having them so close to us."

Dude, move to the<i> suburbs. </i>That's why they were created, and why we spent billions and trashed whole neighborhoods to build roads out there.

Oh, to keep out the blahs also.

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I love shit stains like this. They act all superior until they crash their car, a family member becomes sick or injured, or their house has a fire. All of sudden, a bunch of blue collar firefighters show up, do our best to resolve the emergency, all while being empathetic and compassionate, even if your are an asshat turdblossom.

I want no part of what he believes is reality.

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