Interesting. I don't keep up with Maine politics but after the first term you'd think they'd have learned their lesson.

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No, full-libelz. Captain Zero finished out Babble Spice's term jes' fine, doncha know?

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Properly addressed to "The Honorable Inflamed Pustule On The Buttock Of The Body Politic".

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Their bad. Hope they learned their lesson...

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Because he doesn't apologize for everything, and doesn't end every sentence with eh.

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Also happened right at the height of the Ebola scare and that when that nice, non-Ebola stricken nurse decided she wanted to return to her home in Maine and freaked the perpetually-spooked-over-stupid-bullshit electorate crowd the fuck out.

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Ok, Squirrel- I'm in the Other Maine (not far from Bangor) and I loathe that ignorant testament to American imbecility with all my heart. Many of us do., but we are surrounded by the last redoubt of the conservative base: dying milltowns populated by ageing whites who brag about never having had a passport (my local representative is noted empty-headed LePage ass-kisser Ken Fredette) . It's depressing as hell (I learned long ago how to ignore the Palin-esque morons who congregate at the local general store) and many are the times I wish I had stayed in the Twin Cities, but if we all left we'd consign all of Maine north of Brunswick to the mouth breathers. So please know that there are kindred spirits up here among the battalions of Know-Nothings, and we're keeping up the fight. Cheers-NS

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And don't forget the bear hunting referendum that brought out the let's-kill-something-for-Jesus crowd for this clown.

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The first time, LePage beat the highest-performing independent (Cutler) by less than 2 points, with the Democrat (Pingree) and another independent getting something like 18% and 5% respectively. The next election people seemed to have their heads on straighter, but not straight enough: LePage got ~48%, the Democrat (Michaud) got ~43%, and Cutler was the spoiler that time, with ~8%. Mainers seem to have a weakness for independents; it worked out OK with Angus King, but it has spelled nothing but disaster in the last two gubernatorial elections.

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Sorry, I think that title is currently held by Detroit.

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That's not exactly how I would describe the Republican Party, but it works.

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Actually, I'm impressed that calling out the governor in Maine gets you a handwritten note in return. Even with what the note says, you have to admit that's a nice personal touch. Scott Walker, say, would probably send some generic thing written by an aide with "resign" autocorrected to, I don't know, "red sin" or something.

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I wonder if it's against the Rules for Radicals to hope that someone ends up becoming a catamite in jail.

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I have to wonder if this guy had a stroke or something. No snark until we know one way or another.

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As someone who is proud to call himself a 'Mainer' and who truly believes in all his heart that anyone truly qualified to be called a 'Mainer' can operate a chainsaw without harming themselves or others, I find your comment about Northern vs southern Maine to be spectacularly ignorant.

All Mainers make Maine a fine place, from the Northern most resident of 'The County' to the most vile merchant at Kittery Trading post, we are all heir to the same land and the same spirit.

As a Mainer who lived in Southern Maine, we talked mockingly about the 'Volvo Line', the meniscus of relative affluence that was largely a result of the proximity to Massachusetts, but never in our thinking split the state in the way your comment does. To us, it was a battle between 'locals' and 'people from away'. My father lead the secession movement of the Town of Long Island from Portland to prevent the tax based exile of families that had lived on the island for hundreds of years being forced off by property tax valuations artificially inflated by 'foreign' money.

While I am glad that you find Southern Maine enjoyable, chances are you are just another one of those people 'from away' that the locals would rather do without.

Have a great day!

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