I like to.

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It's like Jung. Yankees are evil. Baby Jesus is nice

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Eliot Cutler is far from being a lefty; really more center-right wealthy lawyer. Otherwise, you are correct. It was clear by the election that Cutler could not win but he declined to throw his voters to Michaud. He has a monumental ego. Maine has a lot of Jeebus freaks and even those who disliked LePage had a hard time with the fact that Michaud is openly gay.The whole election was a monumental shitstorm and Maine has been stuck with the craziest governor of all for a long time. The previous and popular governors, Angus King (now Senator) and John Baldacci, were both reasonable and sane.

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Strange, I was led to believe by Mitt Romney that people would choose to self deport or move if things got tough where they lived. Or are Mainers just ignorant?

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Maine is largely a very poor, very rural state. Below the 'Volvo Line' (somewhere about Brunswick), it is largely Democratic and liberal, but up in 'The County' (Aroostook county, larger than some states), they are prime 'Trump voters'.

The funny part is, the people most likely to have voted for the idiot LePage are the ones most likely to be harmed by his policies.

Have a great day!

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I tried that. But my parole agreement stipulates that I stay 500ft from a school. Hard to do if I'm running the school.

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Maine voted for him twice. the end.

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If your kids are 12 or older and dont know all the intimate details of human reproduction and how it works, you have failed as a parent.

99% of the people who say they are 'anti-abortion' are lying hypocrites. If you want to decrease abortions in this country, you do it by improving sexual education, effective and available birth control and increase funding for support programs for families in need (single parent households).

Most of them are idiot religious fanatics and are pushing a religious agenda and not at all concerned about 'children' or 'families'.

Have a great day!

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Check with the DeVos mob - being a criminal is a plus these days.

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Watch a few episodes of North Woods law. LOTS of Maine rednecks who also appear to have that wonderful anti-gubbermint mentality. "What do you mean I can't shoot a deer from a moving vehicle in a residential area?!? YOU'RE OPPRESSING MY RIGHTS!!!"

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I have an old friend who recently showed up on Facebook. Seems in the past 15 years since we lost contact, he's turned into a full-on conservative Christian. His hatred of Planned Parenthood is irrational to say the least. I tried having a conversation that Planned Parenthood is more in the business of PREVENTING abortions (sex education, birth control, etc.) and not PROVIDING abortions and my words weren't even considered. Not a big surprise. Apparently they're all Satanists and they feed off the life force of aborted fetuses...or some such bullshit.

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"Smell my finger."

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Well, that is a factor in why The Rest of the World™ has had some well founded concerns regarding your sanity since well before Trump.

And why it used to be easy for European leaders to shrug and say "We'll field a token force but can't really compete anyway so why bother?".

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