And then there's one other pesky problem experienced by states with Republican governors. They don't want the poors to have babbies, but they defund the places where poors get birth control. That equals babbies, you fuckfaces. After a certain amount of time those babbies want food they can chew with their nice new teeth. Even if they get to table height no one will hire them to be waitresses. Imagine that! (Gingrich would have them clean toilets, but that's a story for another day.)

People of Maine, it's called impeachment. Don't try and tell me this hideous excuse for an American hasn't done anything to earn it. If nothing else, he's listing his home address as being in Floridah while he's running YOUR state. Surely you object.

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Obviously this has nothing to do with the elderly being the people most likely to turn out and vote. Otherwise some nasty minded people could call it bribery.

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You just never know what LePage will do, except that it will be bad....and sticky.

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if they have names like D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty, absolutely nothing.

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Still, you break along your faultlines, and LePage appears to have significant structural weakness in his basic human decency area. Too and also, he's a crook.

I guess I could wish for a prison with really good counseling services, but I suspect they've long since stopped paying for that in Maine.

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I could have sworn I remembered one of you Mainers telling me that LePage hated Trump. When did he become Maine's "Trump loving" governor?

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I thought that LePage said that he would step down if enough of his people wanted it. What happened? How does this idiot stay in office?

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But some, I assume, are good people.

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You're being overly dramatic there aren't you? It's an 11 1/4 month winter.

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That's a pretty good picture of LePage. He usually looks much worse.

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There are far too few of those positions advertised.

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Good moose.

When they're not impregnating the white moose on their way back south.

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Sorry, I got carried away

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I'm with you on this. I am terrified.

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