A gubernatorial race with three closely polling leaders -- LePlague, Demorats Libby Mitchell (first election) and former US Congressman Mike Michaud (second election), and a rich douchebag who funded his entire campaign with his own money and paid lip service to liberal social policy talking points while espousing neocon budgetary talking points and wooed away the people who thought the moderate Democrats who ran for governor were "too librul."

I lived in Maine from the day I was born until about two years ago. I thought one LePage term was maybe an honest mistake, but when Mike Michaud lost the election to LePage, I just about cried. Michaud was hugely popular as a congressman because he was actually a working man (worked at a paper mill for decades and was a union shop steward) instead of a lawyer or a rich businessman, and he did amazing things for Maine's veterans and veterans all across the US. Michaud had some good liberal/progressive cred and lots of common sense, but when you've got a three-way race and superPACs like Citizens United spending craptons of money specifically to prevent someone from getting elected ... well, it's not just Mainers who fall for that BS.

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I moved from Maine to the Pacific Northwest a couple of years ago, and I still have my 61% sticker on my car. It's been a great conversation starter -- I've had plenty of opportunities to share the sad tale of a state full of people I thought knew better than to be baffled by Tea Party dittohead BS, but who fell for it TWICE!

(Also, I prefer Budweisah to Allenses!)

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Can my gay marriage to a black Muslim include an abortion as part of the ritual?

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Oh, Christ. There's not enough facepalm in the world to express how I feel about that. As a native Mainer who moved to the Pacific Northwest a couple of years ago and still has family in the Pine Tree State, I've been watching Maine politics from a distance -- and it's scarier than a Stephen King novel.

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Um, the boat that sank is named after the state.

Maine became a state in 1820. The USS Maine exploded in 1898 -- which provided a convenient excuse for the US to go to war with Spain.

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We do. We all smoke meth down here.

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The one at the end - that's no ordinary rat.

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Hey now, New Hampshire has a wide lead in the Politicians Saying Stupid Shit race in the Northeast regionals. Maine is working on overtaking northern New York for bathsalt and meth use, so they could be a contender for the Georgia of the North title early next year.

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...approximately 47% of his brain doesn't work

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Does he drive around with dogs on the roof of his car? I’m looking for a connection here.

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This fuckyard is a stain on my adopted home.

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As I recall, the last time a well-known GOP dude (name escapes me) made a comment like that, he was widely praised by his followers who were sure he was going to "win in a landslide' election. Can't remember exactly what happened.

Either way, it's clearly a great strategy that all GOPers should follow.

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